-Chapter 13:Shit Day and Sleepovers (PT.2)-

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Tw/Cw: Cursing as always, mention of bullies/being bullied, venting/ranting to friends + Family, past self harm talk, eating disorder mentions, food, period/monthly cycle mentions, mentions of blood here and there, mentions of dysphoria, coming out to people?, breakdown/meltdown, mentions of rape, mentions of alcoholism, mentions of past self harm, nightmare talk, let me know in the comments if there are any others! I will make sure to add them.

(!!Any mentions of the beeduo being together is strictly between their characters and also platonic, things such as kissing and other things are mostly jokes and PLATONIC!!)

(!!Melt down is based on MY EXPERIENCE!!)

~Tommy POV~

As the door bell rang I let go of Techno and we got up to head downstairs and greet our friends.

When we got down the stairs I had seen a couple of people I hadn't met before and some people I had met.

Techno kept his guests simple and invited over Dream, Wilbur had invited over two people I had never met before, and I of course invited over Tubbo and Ranboo.

When we had finally gotten down the stairs I ran to Tubbo and Ranboo to hug them. They both hugged back and we sat like that for a minute before Wilbur came over to us.

"Sorry to interrupt this special friendship moment but I want to introduce you guys to my friends." Wil said.

We all let go with a giggle and walked over to Wilbur's friends with him of course.

We had walked over to a tall maybe male and a kinda short female. "So the girl with pink hair is Niki, she has been a friend of mine for a long time, and the tall looking guy is Eret. They use all pronouns and Niki uses She/they pronounce." Wil explained. Me, Tubbo, and Ranboo nodded our heads. "Well I'm Tubbo, He/him, that's Ranboo, They/them, and that is Tommy, He/him" Tubbo explained.

Everyone had nodded and continued introductions with getting to know a little about one another before we had all went our separate ways.

Me and the lovely couple headed upstairs to my room to hang out for a little bit before Dad was to call us down for dinner.

As we were heading up to my room I noticed that Tubbo and Ranboo where holding hands. That made me a little bit jealous, not of the fact that they where together and I wanted to be with one of them, just the fact that they are dating. I've wanted to date someone for a while but I haven't really had much chance to look out for people as I've been homeschool for the past while again because Phil was concerned about the bullying. Lucky for me I start school back up again and I'm going to be going to therapy every Monday and Thursday.

When we had gotten up to my room I closed the door and we all sat down on the floor.

"So what do we want to do?" Tubbo asked. I shrugged my shoulders and looked over to Ranboo.

"Don't look at me I don't live here." Ranboo said jokingly. We all laughed lightly and then went silent as I tried to think of what we could do.

"Why don't we each pick two movies to watch, put them on a piece of paper, and then shuffle them in a hat, and one person will pull a paper and that will be the first movie we watch and so on and so on. Just one rule, no horror or something that will give on of us bad memories." I said. Tubbo and Ranboo nodded along and I headed to my desk and grabbed some paper and markers.

We each tour little pieces of paper off the pages and wrote down our two movie options before the other two looked to me. "Toms do you have a hat?" Tubbo asked.

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