-Chapter 20: Therapy Monday-

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tw: mentions of therapy, therapist, food, ED mentions, mentions of ADHD, talk of SH, talk of coping skills, talk of bullying

A/n HOLY SHIT 10k READS WTF??? Love you all so much i wouldn't be here without you, og claims now and also we do have a discord server so you all can join that I'll link it in the announcements when this gets posted. Anyway thanks for the love and support, here we have a nice chapter!

(art not mine!!)

~Techno POV~

This morning I was the first one up. We did have off school today because of a teacher convention but for some reason my mind decided to wake me up and 4am.

Knowing that the only one up would be Tommy if he had a nightmare, I sat up on my bed and started to read through my new Greek mythology book.

I usually read through the books before reading with Tommy just to see if there might be any triggering things in the book or any topics he wouldn't like to hear about.

I slid my glasses onto my face and started to read the book. The only sound that was heard from my room was to soft turning of pages and occasional hum at learning new information.

After about a good hour of reading I headed over to my desk to get some predictive studying done. I took out some notes from my language class and started to go over them, copying down new information, and making not of things that are important. (My school offers Latin as a language and idk why but i feel like Techno would take that even though he took Spanish but like hey he can take Latin in this book if y'all want, I'm honestly leaving the language class to whatever your brain thinks he would take)

After going over my language notes I moved onto some maths, then science, then english. Once my good bit of studying was done I put my books and notebooks away in my bag and headed back to my bed where I proceeded to lay on my phone and read through some early morning notifications. I took a quick look at my calendar and realized something.

"Oh it's my day with Tommy for his therapy." I thought to myself. Tommy decided that we would all take turns going in with him. First it was dad, then me, and then Wilbur. We would all revolve days and if Tommy objected and said he wanted a different person in the room, we would not argue with his decision obviously as it is his sessions.

Over the past few weeks of going I have noticed how close dad has gotten with the therapist, I mean yeah dad has always been friendly with people he meets and Miss. Kristen was helping out with some of our friends like Niki and Dream occasionally but Dad seems to be getting really close with her, and not so much in the therapist kind of way. He seems to be wanting to become close friends with Miss. Kristen.

I let myself out of my thoughts when I heard a soft knock on my door. I looked at the time and saw that it was only 7 am.

"Come on in Tommy." I called out lightly to him.

Tommy then came into my room and sat on my bed. He had Henry his stuffed cow in his hands as he cuddled against me.

"What's up Theseus?" I asked.

"Had a bad dream.." he mumbled nuzzling further into my chest. I rubbed his back softly.

"Want to talk about it later at therapy? You know she said to tell her when you have nightmares." I explained. Tommy nodded lightly and I left our conversation at that. I rubbed his hair softly and watched as relaxed enough to the point that his fuzzy ears and tail maid themself known. I smiled lightly at the now mostly back asleep raccoon and I scratched the back of his ears gently.

Tommy purred lightly as he slept and I too closed my eyes. I wasn't really going to sleep but I figured closing my eyes would be a good way to rest.

~Phil POV~

I woke up at about 9 and decided to let the boys sleep in a bit because they still don't have school. When i was able to finally bring myself out of bed I headed into the kitchen and made some breakfast for the boys and myself.

I made some waffles and then set out toppings and a large bowl of fruit on the island. Once the food was done I headed upstairs to wake the boys. I started with Tommy who surprisingly wasn't in his room but if anything he was probably with on of the other boys.

I headed into Wilbur's room and woke up up which made him grouchy but when he heard waffles he was up for it. Then we headed over to Technos room and opened the door to see Techno holding Tommy as he slept.

Techno looked over to us with a look that said 'If you wake him I will kill you' so we got Tommy out of bed by Techno holding him and bringing him downstairs.

Everyone sat down and Tommy was in Technos lap. We all had our desired toppings for our waffles and started to eat. After breakfast we all had to get ready. Wilbur was going to drive himself to a friends house and I was going to drive Tommy and Techno the the therapy session and then go to the store to buy some bits.

As everyone put their plates away and headed upstairs I was sat in my thoughts as I washed the dirty dishes.

~Tommy POV~

Waking up was hard today. I was overly tired and didn't want to go to therapy because of my nightmare. I didn't like it.

After breakfast I headed to my room to grab clothes and then headed back to Technos room. I knocked on the door hear a "come in" seconds after.

"Do i wear my binder or one of those sports bras you gave me?" I asked. Techno chuckled softly.

"You can wear your binder today and then tomorrow take a break." He said. I nodded my head and he turned around as I got dressed. Once I was done i tapped his shoulder and we headed downstairs.

Once we got our shoes on we headed out the door and off to Miss Kristen's office. When we got there Techno signed us in and we headed back to see Miss Kristen.

"Hey you two! Welcome in come sit down and we can get to talking whenever you are comfortable." She said. We nodded and took a seat.

"So uh at school there has been bullies again and uh I haven't self harmed recently. Me and Techno have been working on coping skills and stuff along with Wilbur." I told her. She nodded her head.

"Alright well, you guys seem to be doing everything good. I'm not going to ask what the bullies did or anything because I know that can be triggering but I want to talk more on you ADHD a bit, are you okay with that?" Miss Kristen asked. I nodded my head and Techno rubbed my shoulder.

"Okay well, I understand that you were on medication at a point for it, did you think it was helpful or no?" She asked. I shook my head.

"Just made me feel crappy." I responded. She laughed a bit and wrote that down.

"Okay and now lastly how has the eating disorder been going? Are you guys sticking to introducing foods small amounts at a time or just sticking to sage foods?" She questioned again.

"Actually we were thinking of starting to branch out to new foods this week Toms. Sorry for interrupting I guess but you didn't know about it yet, and don't worry if anything happens we are here for you." Techno said. I nodded my head.

"Right well everything seems good! And i don't think you were interrupting Techno. So is there anything you guys want to talk about or we can do some mandalas or calming activities, or grounding exercises?" Miss Kristen suggested.

We slowly started to work our ways through grounding exercises, becoming clear on more ways to calm me or any of us really from our panic attacks. Honestly this session wasn't so bad.

I like Miss Kristen a lot.

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