-Chapter 4: Meeting and making some new friends-

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Tw: Panic Attack, Hyperventilating

~Tommy POV~

After me and Techno had fully gotten out of bed and ready we headed downstairs for breakfast. I sat down in my seat and felt a warm hand come into contact with my shoulder. "Four bites at the least Tommy" Techno whispered to me. I nodded my head calmly. Techno took his seat next to Da- I mean Phil. Wil looked up from his plate over to Techno. Confusion was splashed all over his face. I ignored as Wil started asking Techno questions and began to eat. I managed to eat three bites. "Phil, May I be excused?"I mumbled. He nodded his head softly and i headed to the bathroom.

I heard a soft yet stern knock on the door. I didn't answer thinking it was just my head. The door opened. "Tommy you better not be throwing- Oh what are you doing?"A familiar monotone voice questioned. "Using the toilet?"I responded. He left the door a hit of embarrassment on his face as he left me be. Once I was done I headed back to my room.

A soft knock was heard at my door. "Come in!"I said. Phil opened the door. "Hey Teagan!"He smiled brightly. I smiled back slightly. "We are inviting some people over that I would love for you to meet, it's ok if you don't want to come down when they do come, I can tell them you aren't feeling good but I would like you to try." He continued. I nodded my head. Most other families had me meet family and act all like nothing was wrong. Phil smiled again warmly as he left my room. I had made my way over to the small bookshelf in my room. I had found that Techno put a few books there. I picked up Harry Potter and The Philosopher's stone, and begun to read the book.

It had been three hours sense my interaction with Phil. I sitting in my bedroom drawing on some papers I found. I heard the same light knock on my door from before. "Yea?"I hollered. "The guests will be here soon you wanna come down?"Phil questioned a bit muffled by the door. I got up out of my seat and quietly made my way over to the door. I opened it and nodded my head towards Phil. He took my hand and we both headed downstairs to meet the others. I practically ran over to Techno and hid behind him as the new people walked in through the front door.

I peeked my head around Techno to get a glimpse at the people who walked in. I was able to spot a woman with white hair and ram horns and another guy with goat horns and a green sweater. There was then a man who walked in who looked to be similar to a creeper? And Phil had wings?! What the fuck is going- ohhhh wait they are just showing their non-human or we'll hybrid forms.


I tapped Techno and he turned around. "Hey Tech I'm part raccoon.."I mumbled. He nodded his head and took my hand as we walked to the bathroom. He took my hand and told me to take a deep breath. I did what he said and my soft and fluffy raccoon ears had popped up on my head and an equally as fluffy tail had made its appearance. Techno turned around so i could figure out my pants to fit my tail through, and he turned back to me looking like a piglin. "COOL!" I thought. We walked back down and I looked around to see a demon holding a trey of muffins, A diamond looking hibrid, a blaze demon, and Will had wings. Must be and avian like me or part crow like Phil.

Me and Techno walked down, me still behind him. Techno turned to me as soon as we were down the stairs.and knelt down to me "If you need me at any point don't be afraid to come to me even if I'm in the middle of a conversation ok?" He said. I nodded my head and he took my hand leading me to the others. Everyone was in the kitchen. Everyone looked over as we walked in. "Hey you two-"Phil started.

"Tommy?!" I heard two very familiar voices say. I looked over to see two of my best friends from the orphanage. I started to cry. "Tubbo!Ranboo!"I said as I ran over to them. Wel all jumped to hug each other making us all fall. All us were laughing while crying. "I-i thought you guys where gone..."I said in between sniffles. "Us too.."Tubbo said. I ruffled Tubbo's deep brown hair as I looked over to Ranboo. "Hello Ranboob"I joked making all of us laugh softly. I felt all eyes on us but ignored them as I hugged the two that I had missed most. "Why don't you three head up to Teagan- wait why did you two call her Tommy?" Phil stated. I looked at the two. Ranboo pat my head and Tubbo nodded to me and tilted his head. I nodded to him. Tubbo stood up and Ranboo held me close as a sort of instinct. "Teagan is trans, he goes by he/him pronouns and goes by the name Tommy." Tubbo explained. Everyone had awed at Tubbo probably at me and Ranboo as well but I felt a hand come into contact with my back. I turned and saw Phil. "I'm sorry but, Thank god I have another son holy fuck"He laughed out. I laughed and hugged him. "I love you dad."I said. Needless to say the crowd awed at us. I didn't really think I would be coming out to everyone today but plans change I guess.

I took Tubbo and Ranboo up to my room. All three of us sat on my bed and talked for a bit not really giving a care to anything else going on around us. After around an hour of us talking and laughing I clenched need my chest. Fuck i forgot to take off the binder. I coughed a bit and the others looked at me. I started to hyperventilate making my breathing much worse than it already was. WHAT IF THEY THING IM A GIRL AFTER THIS?! I started to have a coughing fit. Ranboo was talking to me trying to figure out what was wrong while Tubbo was sat to the side crying in pure fear and worry. I pointed to my chest and I'm guessing that Ranboo got the memo. With Techno not being there at all, I started to tug at my shirt. Ranboo helped my pull of the shirt and closed his eyes as he helped me pull of the binder. He quickly after put his sweater over my head. I feel and latched onto him crying. Tubbo came over to us and lied his head on my lap as Ranboo calmed both of us. We had all fallen asleep after the whole fiasco and just laid there in the comfort of us three finally being together again.

(Update: I changed Tommy from being an avian to a raccoon) {July 7th 2022}

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