Chapter 12: Harder, Di Dovah

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"I am so confused right now!" Dravons brother exclaims. What was his name again? Kris? I pat him on the shoulder and walk past heading for the food.

"What happened to Katy?" I ask Rush.

"She forgot her phone or something. Who knows. I'm sure she will be back soon and annoyed that she missed slapping Felicity for you" I laugh at that. It's so true, that girl has got my back and if I told her to punch or hurl obscenities at her, repeating me of course, she so fucking would. Tiffany would too of course but she would be a little more cautious instead of acting like me and Katy and going in guns blazing. And I have the perfect one for felicity too. I can't wait to use it.

"Oh do tell me, love. This I have got to hear!" Jesse asks, pulling my hips back to his, waiting for my answer and my body starts to heat up.

"If I tell you, it will lose its awesomeness!" I tell him, and try to get out of his reach and distance myself from my neediness.

"No it won't, because it's you. Come on, what word have you made up for her?" Everyone else is listening closely too, curious about the word. And now I feel I may have hyped it up in my head a bit too much. I sigh and say

"You've totally ruined it now anyway, but she's a total Twunt!" All those that can hear me are looking confused and poor Kris looks lost.

"Er.. What's a Twunt?" Parker asks. As Kris starts laughing. See he gets it. I like him already.

"It's when Twat and Cunt just aren't enough. And she has it to a T." They all laugh then.

"What's funny? What did I mi-" Katys cuts off and when I look at her it's to see her and Kris, their gazes locked. Awwww. He must be her mate. That's awesome! Now my bestie's are mated to my mates brothers. Should have seen it coming really. I walk past and shove Katy into Kris who catches her. It's so fucking cute watching her blush as he introduces himself. Then they are shocked when they realise they knew each other when they were little and just haven't met since they came of age due to other obligations.

We all head to the dinning hall and I grab a plate of food and then go sit down and start eating. I'm fucking starved! When everyone else is seated I feel the heat start again. I turn to Dravon and try to distract myself by asking,

"Ok. So explain this 'Dragon style' challenge to me. What does it mean exactly? Why did she want my wolf?" He looks up at me from his plate which he was just pushing his food around on. And runs his fingers through his hair. I'm jealous, I want to be doing that. I have Rush and Jesse beside me and Dravon opposite, with Parker and Tiffany next to Jesse and Katy and Kris next to Dravon and Rush.

"It's called 'Dragon Style' because it is normally done by males as females aren't so inclined to kill another. And the Dragons will fight to the death. Though they do not have to shift. She doesn't have her dragon as she is not mated, so when she said that, she just meant she wanted to kill you. As for asking for your wolf... I don't know, maybe she sees her as the less threatening. Your dragon would kill her and you've already displayed your superior magic. So that wouldn't give her the advantage she needs. So your wolf is the better option to try and beat you" He looks at me and I take a bite of my food. Since she mentioned I'm not allowed to mate him until after the challenge, it's all I want to do.

"But why does she get to choose? And is it just a fight then? Do I have to kill her?" If i just keep him talking maybe I can stop thinking about fucking him. I've seen him naked already and am kind of wishing I fucked him then. I wonder if we can have sex without mating?

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