Chapter 23: I Know

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It's really weird but the whole time I'm asleep, I hear everything they discuss. It all sounds plausible when you think about it. I have beast's with colours not seen or heard of and thought extinct or myth. I mean how else do you explain that? And I'm such a fucking idiot. How did I not get that my dad's name was Jess! It's been right there, in front of me the whole damn time. I just didn't put 2 and 2 together. Though I suppose it's not a surprise I did forget my own name. 

And I must say that Jesse's attitude towards Dravon is really starting to annoy me. Is it just him taking out his anger and frustration on him because, let's face it, its Dravon's fault I'm in this stupid challenge and he has been quite a dick. Does Jesse feel it's justifiable? Is it because it's been affecting me? His attitude and bitch have upset me on more than one occasion. I just don't get it! I'm gonna have to have words with him about it, because I don't want to be the cause of their friendship falling apart. 

I'm also gonna be telling Dravon that I don't answer to Felicity or his council. He's mine and I feel in my bones that I shouldn't have to wait to mate with him, though I should make him suffer. But I'm pure blood. Meaning I make the rules. Khaleesi and Luna are in total agreement with me on all this. I'm not even sure things were this way with challenges and shit in the beginning. Something is telling me that when my mum did what she did, erasing purebloods and creating fictional memories, that this might have been a result of that. One I plan to change back as soon as I'm able. Maybe I can reverse my mum's spell somehow. I wonder whether that would change Dravon back too? 

When it goes quiet I do eventually drift off to la la land. Only to then be woken by Jesse! I mean, come on. Let a girl sleep. But when I hear them all laugh at my comment I peek my eyes open and when I meet Dravon's eyes, need hit's me hard. He's mine and I'm gonna fucking have him. So I shoot up and practically tackle him and slam my mouth to his. Only for him to laugh and try to stop me. I don't fucking think so! Time to play dirty like he does, so I cut him off by shoving my tounge in his mouth and I pump sex magic into him. See how he likes not being able to resist or having a choice. 

It works, because he then rips my clothes off. Not that I remember wearing any after Rush took my melted stuff off me. But who cares about clothes when I'm about to mate, dii dovah. That is until Jesse and Rush try to pull us apart. So while Dravon snaps at them I use magic and push them to the wall. But it's the sliver of lucidity Dravon needs to start coming back to himself. Damn it! I'll just pump more into him. And I think it's working until they both start shouting at him to stop me and what have you. Those fucking cockblockers! 

When he goes to try and stop me again I kiss him again, cutting it off. I'm having my fucking dragon. He doesn't get to keep telling me no! But being the sneaky dragon he bloody is he uses our link this time and shouts it. Everything stops. My magic doesn't keep pumping into him. My lips are frozen on his and I can't fucking move. Now I'm pissed. Then I'm growling and gritting my teeth in anger, as I have no fucking choice but to do what he asks. So with a thought I release Jesse and Rush from the wall and they fall to the floor. I should have sealed their lips shut!

He growls at me to put my hands on the wall and I move. Damn it! This is just making me more and more angry. Then he's behind me, running his hands over my hips, making me both angry and wanton. But the shit he's saying is making me more fucking livid, Khaleesi and Luna snarl there anger too. Then he tells me what his plans are with watching and having Them pleasure me and Fuck me! My breathing comes out raggedly, because I seriously want what he's saying, it's gonna be fucking hot and I feel my arousal spikes. I can't fucking believe this shit! I'm super excited about this happening with all of them, but utterly fucking seething. I know I keep saying how angry I'm getting but that's just how fucked off I am. So I tell him exactly how I feel about all this.

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