Chapter 50: Dad?

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I'm losing blood fast and can't seem to stop it. But the pain is… almost non-existent. I feel it and it hurts but for like seconds. My guess is my beasts and my Lycan are doing all they can to help heal me. So gritting my teeth I pull my leg up and scream with the pain. It fucking burns. When my leg is free I try to stem the flow as my magic won't heal it.

"Come on, Kylie! You're a badass Lycan queen, do your thing and heal" I mutter to myself. Then taking a deep breath I do the same with my shoulder. Catching my breath, I see that the blood is now stopping by itself. Thank fuck! Just a fucking pity that I can't make use of that Lycan power and strength right now. I've tried, so it must be because It's all focused on keeping me healed.

Now that I'm free, I try to teleport. I feel myself glitch as I teleport and I start to fall because it doesn't work properly and I land with a thud on the ground. I still can't hear shit though. I look up and see two wolves and a dragon and… oh, I don't give a fuck what they are, but there's eight of them altogether, and they're all heading towards me. Shit!

"JESSE!" I scream as I climb to my feet.

"Dravon!? Rush!?" Why are none of them answering me? Or am I just not hearing them? I start running, and I can't hear the rogues gaining on me, so I have to keep looking over my shoulder. Luckily for me, they're really fucking slow, so I wave my hands, trying to teleport my mates to me, but again it feels glitchy and they're not here. What the hell is wrong with me lately? Why am I so drained? And not just right now but since the astral projection. But it's not just that, I've been out of sorts, weak and just miserable. Did that wanker, Devlin, have a chance to do something else to me? Something none of us realised. Something that even Zephyr doesn't know about? Though he's been acting, strangely the same as Parker so…..hmmm….maybe not? Urgh, I don't fucking know, but it's driving me crazy!

As my magic isn't working, I’ve got no choice but to do this the human way. I take off at a run, jumping over and swinging around trees, only feeling stings of pain briefly before it's gone. Then I come across Rush's House. Well, what's left of it. Shit! Shit! Shit!

I need five minutes to focus, but where? I need to hide. I find a piece of the roof and the kitchen Island to hide under, and then I stick my fingers in my ears and wiggle them. Nope, that didn't work. So I then I hold my nose and blow as I try to pop them, hoping it will make me hear again, but fucking nothing! I find I want to cry, but I need to focus!

Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes, I focus my all on Jesse. Maybe just trying to bring one mate to me will work. He can then tell Rush and Drav where we are. That is if his mind link is still working. So pouring every thought and every scrap of magic I can gather, hoping he is still close, as he was with me when I fell asleep, so hopefully, I can get my teleportation to work, I try to bring him to me. Come on! Come on! Come on! My eyes pop open when I feel his hands on my shoulders and I see him start talking, but I cut him off.

"Shh. A few rogues were chasing me. I can't hear anything, and yes I'm hurt, but ok-" I knew he would want to know if I'm ok, it's always the first thing they ask, and as soon as I say I'm hurt, he looks down and his eyes widen at the blood. I see his mouth moving and can just about make out the words fucking, Parker and unconscious. Then he's gone!

"JESSE!" I shout. Then there's a sharp shooting pain in my head. Black spots start dancing in my vision, bringing unconsciousness along with it.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Three precious faces are looking up at me as I hold them in my arms. They're looking at me to be their saviours, their protectors. Because I'm their mummy. Wait! Where am I? What is going on? Why are they looking at me like that?

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