Chapter 39: Lead The Way

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I can not remove the chain. I tried by hooking my fingers between the cuff and her wrist, to find these cuffs were fucking sharp. Which explains all the blood around her wrists. I try to pry it from the floor, but again it will not budge. Fuck! I lean down and check her breathing, but I find I can not tell if it is just very shallow or if she has stopped all together. I press my fingers to her neck and find her pulse is very faint, but it is there. 

"RUSH! JES! I NEED YOU IN HERE NOW" I shout out as I continue to yank on the chain. It starts to move, but still will not fucking come out of the ground. 

"WE CAN'T GET PAST THE FLAMES! SO FUCKING HELP!" Jesse snaps. With a huff I hurry to the door.

"Ryu, block both sides with our wings"
"I'm on it" Wing's sprout out of my back again and I spread them forward and dig them down into the ground, stopping any fire getting through. There are still flames, but they disappear as Rush uses magic, so him and Jesse can jump over the blocked flames. They both start coughing, so when I pull my wings back, I try to flap more smoke out.

"Where is she!" Jesse sputters

"This way" I lead them over to her and Rush does something that has the smoke sucked out of the room like a vacuum. Jesse gets on his knees and pulls her up onto his lap. As he checks her over, he growls and pleads.

"For fuck sake, love. What happened? You're never allowed to be on your own from now on. That's it, I've had e-fucking-nough. You hear me. Enough!.. Come on baby, open your eyes for me" She doesn't move, but Jesse tells us, he's found wounds in her thighs, one on her head and the rest he believes are superficial. I'll check her over when we get out of here, just to be sure. Rush leans down and does his thing to her wounds and they start to seal, but then they stop.

"What the fuck!? It's not working! She's still bleeding" He exclaims.

"It is the cuffs. They take away- careful. They are sharp" I warned him too late.

"Fuck Drav, lead with that, next time!" Rush exclaims.
"There won't be a fucking next time! Don't jinx her, Rush. She has enough bad fucking luck as it is. What are the cuffs? Why did it not work?" Jesse snaps.

"I touched it and my scales disappeared. I believe it is spelled and makes her human. We need to remove it, but we need to get out of this building. Help me pull it from the floor" I tell them.

"That's probably why Parker is getting nothing then. He's connected to her magic and if that was suppressed or rendered non-existent, then he won't feel anything" Rush says as he starts pulling on the chain. I grab it as well and we pull it together. We almost have it, but still it is not enough.

"Fucking irrelevant right now!" Jesse growls, as he stands with her in his arm and he grabs the chain by her wrist and gives it a good yank. It comes free after a few more pulls and then Rush teleports us back to the house. 

"Parker! Get the doctor now. Rush, grab me some tools to try to cut through this fucking thing. Drav, can you-" The phone rings, but I ignore it, waiting for Jesse to finish asking for what he wants. He looks at me and snaps.

"I need the phone to shut up"

"I do not care about who is on the fucking phone, Jesse. My concern is for our mate! If you are that bothered, answer it yourself and move" I move to the other side of her. I need to see the full extent of damage her body has, so I rip her clothes off, leaving her in her underwear. Jesse growls at Parker, but that is really not an issue right now. 

"Katys on her way" Parker states
"Why? I said a-" 
"She is a fucking healer, Jes! She learnt body magic" Parker snaps at him.

Ignoring their aggressive bickering, I feel along her arms first and find a deep cut on her forearm. Her wrists were definitely bound, so I checked her ankles and sure enough, I am correct that they were also bound. Her beautiful face is covered in cuts and her nose is broken, hence the black eyes. I find some deep cuts and grazes on her head as well. Where did all this glass come from? I work my way down and find scrapes on her stomach like the ones on her elbows. Her thigh is bruised and swollen around the wound site, I think a femoral artery was nicked, but it must have had magic to seal it. She also has nail and claw marks up that leg. I check the other leg to find she has the same wound but this one is still bleeding, so I look around for something and see Parker is wearing a belt. Perfect. I startle him when I undo it and then grab the end to rip it through the loops. I wrap it around her leg and tighten it. When she whimpers I am filled with a little relief. At least she is still with us. I then continue my check and find she has a broken ankle too. Let us not forget all the burns to her skin and singed hair. 

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