Chapter 22: I Look Forward To It

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When she is asleep, I gently detangle her from me and climb from the bed and join Rush and Jesse, who are sitting in chairs by the foot of the bed so we can keep our eyes on her. I tell Rush to use magic and remove her clothes because it looks uncomfortable and I quickly change too.

"Start talking, Dravon" Jesse says as I sit down

"What do you want me to tell yo-"

"Let's start with how you know what she is, shall we. And how you know this information" 

"Jes, calm down. You're acting like he's the bad guy. Come on Drav, tell us what's what, we waited like you asked but we're dying to know"

"I went to see my father and changed a certain rule, so that Felicity can not provoke her again. When I told my mother of you 2 also being her mates, she told me she wanted to see me after speaking with my father. So I did and she showed me a book. And in this book it tells a story. About the originals of our kinds. The pure bloods-"

"What does this have to do with Kylie? It's just a story and we've never been referred to as purebloods" Jesse interrupts.

"Jesse, seriously. Stop Interrupting and let him tell the whole thing, before you start questioning everything" Rush says, rolling his eyes. Jesse crosses his arms and sits back with a huff.

"Go on then! I'm waiting"

"Fine. So the originals are considered pure bloods, but only the Royal's were and their children. They were; The Lycan's-"

"There's no such thing-"

"Will you just shut up and listen!" Kylie moans in her sleep and we all turn to look at her. She starts fidgeting so I reach and put my hand on her leg and she seems to settle. She is still hot so I know it is not over yet. So keeping my hand on her I turn back to them.

"No matter how far-fetched, what I tell you seems. Can you please wait until I finish. You will then understand and believe what I tell you" I say to him. He grits his teeth and with a low growl nods his head for me to continue.

"Lycan's, who were red in hair and fur colour. Dragon's, who were pearlescent in colour. Dark Witches with dark hair and Light Witches with white, blonde hair, This only applies to the royals though. The goddess considered these pure bloods her children, as she created them. Only the Royals had multiple matings, due to a powerful being needing them to help balance such power and there were even hybrids! The most dominant trait of the parents being what they would become" Rush raises his hand so I stop and wait.

"If that's the case, why don't we know of lycans? And how are wolves even here? And where are the different Witches? Where are the hybrids now?"

"So one Lycan King, after losing his mate, fell in love with a human. Wanting to be with her he bit her, creating the wolves we know today. As for the hybrids and Witches, I shall get to them. But they were only light and dark as they practiced different kinds of magic. So Dark did fire, earth and blood magic and light did water, wind and spiritual magic. Anyway to cut a long story short, some of our kind grew greedy and started hunting the purebloods for their magic and blood. Sometimes kidnapping and abusing them into creating them powerful offspring, to make their family line more powerful. Angered by this the moon goddess took away the gifts of hybrids, making it so only the one most dominant of the parents traits, being what they became"

"Why is my hair not dark brown or bleach blond then? And Jesse isn't red haired either"

"You are royals, yes, but not pure blood. So you have the colour of your parent's hair"

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