Chapter 37: Hurry

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As soon as I'm out the door, Parker is by my side.

"Thank fuck for that. And thanks by the way" He says. Making Tiffany laugh.


"He's saying thank fuck your not getting any more sex vibes, because he's not feeling them any more. But thank you because he put all the pent up sexual tension to good use, while you were busy with your mates. And I agree, thank you" Tiffany tells me with a giggle. Meaning he took her somewhere to fuck her brains out.

"In that case you're welcome" I say.

"So what's the plan then?" Katy asks.

"I don't know. The hunt is finished now right? We've got a few hours to kill until they finish their meeting. I need to tell them about Devlin as well. We could go watch a film or something?" I say.

"Kylie. I would like to have a fly if possible. I didn't get to last night and Luna has already had a run so isn't chomping at the bit to be released" Khaleesi asks.

"Is there somewhere I can shift first? Khaleesi wants to stretch her wings" I ask Parker.

"I'm not sure that's a great idea right now. Not with all your mates in a meeting and rouges attacking, trying to get to you" He replies. I don't like it, but he's right. I don't want to put myself in harm's way. And Khaleesi understands that too.

"Ok, film then?"

"Sure" They agree. So we all went back to the house and watched a film. During the next film, I'm sitting between two couples making out. It doesn't bother me, I've been in more compromising situations that they've witnessed and they get it because they are newly mated as well. It's the bond and you can't fight that. But I'm getting tired now, so excuse myself to my room. My mates should be done soon anyway as it's coming upto lunch time.

"I'm just gonna go lay down for a bit" Parker stops his make out session and says.

"You don't have to leave on our account. We can go to our rooms while you watch the film. But don't leave the house without me. Unless one of your mates is with you, of course" I stand up and say.

"Nah, it's fine. I'm gonna go lay down for a bit. They should be back soon, so I don't need to leave the house for anything. But if, for some reason I do, I'll let you know" I say and head for the stairs.

"Are you sure? Becas-" Kris starts. He's a cool dude. He's a lot like me and we hit it off straight away. Plus he's my brother-in-law so...

"It's fine guys. Honestly. All that pent up tension has made me tired. I'll see you for dinner if I don't see you before. It's with your parents right Kris?"

"It is?" He asks, having no idea about it.

"That's what your mum said. Find out and let me know" I tell him and go upto my room. I lay on the bed for a while, but I'm unable to sleep. I heard them go to their rooms soon after I came up, so I could go back down and watch something? Giving up with my nap, I head down stairs and as I'm walking past the front door, I see something out of the corner of my eye.

I open the door to have a look and see nothing. So I go to close it and see my car sitting in the driveway. When did that get here? I thought we were leaving my car at Rush's for now, using Jesse's instead. I see something move inside the car so I go and take a closer look. I bend down and peer in the window, finding it empty. Strange! I'm about to stand when I feel a prick in the back of my neck and I drop to the floor like a sack of spuds. Before all the lights go out I see Felicity with a malicious smirk on her face. Why does this shit keep fucking happening to me!?

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