Chapter 48: What The Fuck!?

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I sit in the office and look at what their plan of action is. I want to know where they're going to be, so I know where they are at all times. I'm finding I'm getting anxious that I won't be with them. I keep them as safe as they keep me, and if anything happens to them while they aren't with me-.

I get up and rush to the bathroom and throw up my lunch. For fuck sake. Jesse followed after me and was rubbing my back, which actually made me feel worse, but helped me get everything up, and once I've stopped, I climb to my feet and brush my teeth. Now that I don't have a full stomach I don't feel as sick. Yay me! But the anxiety is still there. We go back Into the office and Dravon asks.

"Are you alright, dii rii yolos?"

"I'm fine, just anxious. I don't like you leaving me to go so far away. Staying in the territory is fine because you're close but... I don't know. Something doesn't feel right. I don't get where this anxiety is coming from" I tell them as Jesse wraps me in his arms making me feel better instantly.

"That's understandable, Angel. Just remember you can communicate with us the whole time, and can also be with us or pull us out at a moment's notice. We will be fine"

"You don't know that! Just be careful" I say, trying not to cry. This is horrible. They've not been so far away from me before and I'm hating the idea of it. What's it going to be like when they've actually gone! How will I manage?

"I've got you covered, love. We're going to go do some training out back, that should keep you distracted. It's normal to feel this way because distance from your mates is a rarity because of how uncomfortable it can be. But it can be done and we will manage it **together**" Jesse says.

"Ok," I sniffled. At least my possessive wolf is staying with me.

"Ok, dii rii yolos. It is time. Are you going to send us all?" Dravon asks as he pulls me from Jesse's arms.

"Yeah. We just need everyone in a wide-open space, and they all need to be touching" He kisses me and with a smile says.

"Ok. Let us go now then. Hopefully, we will find him quickly. If not we will eliminate as many places as we can and then we will start again in the morning... expect us back to tuck you in around-"

"Being nighttime will give us the cover of darkness, so the element of surprise. He won't expect it, so don't wait up Angel. We will be back when we get too tired, but I want him found" Rush states, cutting Dravon off. But I don't like the sound of that, one fucking bit. All fucking night!? My breathing gets faster as I start to panic, and I feel sick but there's nothing to bring up.

"No!... No!... it can't be all night! For fuck sake Rush, I'm already cooperating and letting you search without me, but I refuse. Refuse to not have you with me all night. I won't be able to sleep! And suppose you find him, are you just going to deal with it yourselves because I'm sleeping!... No"

"Dii rii yolos, you need to calm down and breathe. If we find him, we will come back. Even if you are asleep. This is just reconnaissance. We will not do anything without you" Dravon says, trying to calm me down.

"Promise?" I ask as I look up at him.

"I promise" He states. Which makes me feel a little better.

"Angel. I understand your feelings, but this is the best way. We want to have you safe now. We've all had enough with people taking you from under our noses... You go and do some training with Jesse and we will be back before you know it" Rush says as he walks over and puts his arms around me as well. I rest my head on his shoulder and sigh, still hating it but knowing I can't change their minds.

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