My Sammy is Soulless? ✨Kelly✨

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This chapter is for KellyMaslow87
I actually had to rewatch the episode to help me remember what happened, and try to make it special for you! Hope you like it!

After finding out that Sam been alive for a whole year, me and Dean had a feeling that somethings off about him. He not himself, not nerdy or as kind like before but we couldn't put our fingers on it. Right now Dean and I are pissed at him for not saying anything about him being alive, which it understandable. "Hey Kelly I'm going to see Sam, Wanna join?" "Sure I guess." I responded while I put my hair up in a messy bun, I grabbed my guns and my extra bullets, and meet up with Dean in the impala. Dean got food and called Sam to let him know that he was meeting him at the Campbell base, due the expression on Dean face, something changes. "What are you doing in Pennsylvania?" He asked. "A case?" He asked again. He continued his brief conversation with him then Dean looked at his phone and looked at me, mumbling under his breath. "Who died and made you boss?" "What wrong Dean? Aren't we going to the Campbell base?" "Apparently not considering Sam got a case up in Pennsylvania." "So I guess plan changed last minute then, great.." I sighed while Dean started to drive to meet up with Sam.

We met up with Sam at some crappy ass motel, to be honest I wasn't too thrilled to see him for the first time. We knocked on his door as we walked in. All I saw was some random girl flirting with Sam, my Sam. "What the fuck?" I snatched the girl's hair and dragged her out the door, Dean stood there shocked. Sam just stood there smirking like a dumbass. "Dude, what the actual fuck?" "What Dean? I'm just having fun.." Sam stated as I turn my heel towards him and slapped him across the face. I bolted out of the room in tears. "What the hell was that for??" "Dude, you do know her?!" "Wait, that's Kelly! Damn she looks smoking since the last time I saw her!" "Sam that your girl.." I turned around, facing Sam with a smirk had formed on his lip. I was so angry at him for cheating on me with that girl, it was bad enough that he was alive for a year and didn't say anything to me or Dean. Instead this asshole decided to cheat on me. "What the fuck Sam? Don't you love me anymore?" He shrugged. He fucking shrugged! At this point I was pissed like fucking pissed, then I did something that was beyond me. I slapped Sam across the face, Dean watched me in shock as for Sam, he was holding his cheek where I slapped him, I grab my stuff and headed to the impala.

I saw Sam coming out of the motel and approached to the impala. He opened the driver side, then sat down next to me. As I was about to get out he lock the door. "Kelly.. can just hear me out?" He plead, I gave him a chance. "Kelly I didn't mean to hurt you at all, I'm just different." "How are you different Sam?? You look the same to me!" "I don't know Kelly! I just feel different.." "but that doesn't give you the right to go out and cheat on me, no matter how you feel, period!" "You're right and I apologize for that, it was stupid." "But if you feel different we should call Cass.." "you're right, we to call him." Sam and I went back to the room where Dean was and told him that we need to call Cass. Cass answered. "Yes Kelly?" "Cass, something wrong with Sam!" "How so Kelly?" "He said he feel different could you help us?" "I can see what I can do.." Cass set Sam to the chair and examined him. "I'm going to check if his soul is there.." Dean got up from his seat. "You mean he could be soulless??" "Yes Dean, it possible that Sam got out but only left his soul behind in the cage." Cass checked if Sam's soul is there.. Cass gave a disappointing look on his face. "He soulless.." Cass announced. Dean was pissed as for me I was shock. Could it be my Sammy, Soulless?!

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