Supernatural season 9 photo with Moose part 1

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Today Jared is going to the studio with Jensen to do their Supernatural season 9 Photographs for the show, I heard Jared coming out of the shower the door cracked open to Jared exposed his body to me. "Morning Princess!" He smiled at me "Morning Moose" I yawned. He walked up to the bed as I was still laying down stretching my body, he kissed my nose and chuckled. "I have a question for you" he clear his voice while he was going through his drawers to find some clothes to wear for the photo shoot. "Sure what up?" I tiled my head to the side, he turned to me and slowly walk towards me, "Would you like to do the photo shoot with me?" I stared at him blankly trying to come up with something to say. "Sure but why?" I raise my eyebrow at him, he took my hand onto his massive hand, "I want to show you off." He smiled widely, I wasn't to sure if I wanted to till I noticed that he was giving me the cutest puppy eyes ever obviously I cannot resist it. "Ok fine I will do it" I sigh and smiled, "Yay let get ready!!"

As Y/N is getting I picked out her outfit, that right I have taste in styles...sorta anyways I am drying my hair as I'm waiting for Y/N to come out. A few minutes later I heard the water turned off and Y/N as enter the room with two towels on her, I gave her the outfit that I picked out for her, then I went to the bathroom to grab her makeup for her, as I enter the room I noticed Y/N looks gorgeous in her outfit. "Wow honey you look gorgeous!" I said breathlessly, she blushed as she chuckled, I gave her makeup kit to her and she said thanks, I brushed her wet hair as she was doing her makeup, I turned on the blow dryer to dry her beautiful Y/HC. Once her hair is dry and makeup is done we hopped in the car to go to the studio for the photo shoot.

Once we got to the studio Jared held my hand, I guess he didn't want me to get lost in the place. We arrived to the photo shoot to do Season 9 photographs and there was Jensen, I ran up him and hugged him, as he hugged me back. "Hey Y/N!" He smiled at me, "Hey Jensen!" Me and Jensen we are good friends. One of the photographers called out J2 on the sets for the photos, once they were done Jared point at me to tell me to go towards him so did what I was told.

Y/N and I we are on set for the photo of season 9, the photographers told me to hugged Y/N behind, then kiss her cheek while staying behind her and all other cute poses with her. Then they called Jensen to stand with her and do friends things, once it was over we all stand together on set doing Supernatural poses together with my girl. Once it was all over we head on home,Y/N was really tired she been sleeping since we got in the car, I grab her and carry her in bridal style to bed. I lay her down gently and place the blanket on her, I got on to my side of the bed and cuddle up with Y/N in my arm safe and sound. "Goodnight darling I love you" I whispered as I fell to sleep.

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