Jared save you from drunk men

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Today is my B/F/N's 21 birthday and she is throwing a party at a bar, Jared has been telling me that I should bring him with me but I been convincing him that I know how to handle drunk people and he finally gave up but he told me if I'm outnumbered call him, I just nodded, then left the room to get ready for the party.

I'm very worried about Y/N what if she too drunk to drive or what if she gets kidnapped or what if she gets in a fight with someone, all the negative things about Y/N getting hurts runs through my mind that it left me with a headache. Y/N is very special to me, she my everything. I called Jensen and asked him what to do, all he told me that I should quit being a worrywart and he is right I should stop being one.

After I got ready, I went downstairs to tell Jared that I was going to leave. "Jared!" I sang, he came towards me "Yes?" He played along with me. "I'm leaving I will be home at 11 Ok?" I said as I opened the door, he nodded and kissed me on my forehead, he waved at me as I got in my car.

Y/N left and to be honest I'm terrified for her, I'm having two thoughts one thought is that I should follow her and the other one is that I should stay here, wait for her calls, maybe I should stay here and wait for her calls... yeah I should stay here it more safer for me and Y/N. See I'm a smart Moose

Me and my B/F/N are having so much fun, we been dancing, drinking, talking, laughing all the shits that my friend did. My B/F/N is so drunk she had 4 shots, she told me that I should call her boyfriend Misha to come pick her up. Misha arrived at the bar looking for us I waved my arms for Misha to see where we are, he came towards me and gave me a hug, he walked up to my B/F/N tap her shoulder trying to wake her up, I told him that she is knocked out from the alcohols and laugh as he pick her up, then he asked if I need a ride I nodded my head no cuz I was capable to drive obviously cuz of Jared. We both exited the bar we waved each other goodbye then I noticed that there a group of guys in front of Jared's Impala What the Fuck? I thought as I walked up to Jared's car.

I haven't heard anything from Y/N that worried me even more, That it I'm going to that bar to save my baby! I thought as I rode my bike to the bar where Y/N is. As I arrived to the bar parking I couldn't believe my eyes a group of drunk ass guys are touching my baby and she trying to defend herself, I got off of my bike and ran to her. "HEY GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER!" I yelled angrily I can see Y/N was crying and terrified, I became even more angrier at them so I ran to them and beat the shits out of the guys for touching my kitten.

Jared was beating the guys down just trying to protect me. When he was done he came towards me and hugs me tightly as possible I was really terrified of that event, and he can tell. "Hey, hey you are safe with me" he cooed at me and we went home in separate vehicles.

We came home and the song called The dance by Garth Brook played on the radio which I accidentally left on before I left, I asked Y/N if she would like to dance with me and we danced to that song all night knowing that my babygirl is safe with me in my arms forever.

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