I'm going to be a Daddy part 2

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After Y/N announced her pregnancy, I was shock! "I'm going to be a Daddy..." I smiled at my wife as ran up to her. "Thank you so much!" I joyed as I twirls my wife, she kisses my hair while I was still hugging her. Jensen and the others congratulated us by hugging, high fiving, even fist bumps! Others congrats Y/N with hugs. Jensen walked up to me with Danielle and his kids. "Hey man congratulations again but a little bit you're going to go through hell, right honey?" He ask Danielle. She nodded as she laughed. " don't worry about it Jared, I'm sure Y/N will be gentle with you!" She advised me. I instantly calmed down, and thanks Danielle for her advice.

~2 month later~
I'm growing a bit and I'm feeling a bit down I have to carry this bun for 7 more months, I will be huge!! "Jared?" I sign to get his attention, he looked up to me and smiled. "Yeah?" He replied, I show him the date for today. "Today is the ultrasound!" I beams excitedly as he gasped dramatically which was funny to see his goofiness. "Really?? Oh my god we need to go now!!" He drag me out to the car to go to the clinic.

~At the Clinic~
We sat in the waiting room, waiting for our name being called. "Mr. and Mrs. Padalecki?" I heard our named being called then tap my wife to let her know that she was being called. "Time to go!" I sign to her as she nodded and got up. "Hi I'm Dr. Johnson." She shook my hand then Y/N, she lead us to a room. "By the way congrats on your pregnancy!" She sweetly said to us, Y/N said thank you. Dr. Johnson put gel on her hands and spread it on Y/N's belly to show us the baby. "Well well it looks like you two will be having twins!" She acknowledges my attention. "Twins?" I asked surprisedly in signs as Y/N looked at me in surprise as well.

~7 months~
I became huge considering now I'm carrying twins! We had a baby shower not long ago, so I have all of the baby stuff ready and the nursery is complete. Me and Jared we still have no clue what the twins genders are, we wanted to be a surprise when I give birth to them. I sitting on the couch with Danielle and Vi, we were watching teen moms and you can hear us said is that the girls are stupid and they should've waited or use protection. "This is stupid!" I sign as Danielle and Vi agreed. "Yeah they don't have the money nor the stability to provide for their child!" Vi added, The boys were at the set today so Jared asked the boys if their wives don't mind spending time with me so that way I'm not alone in the house all by myself, all day. Of course the wives were okay with that considering they were concerned that I'm getting close to my due dates in the next 2 months. "What do guys want to do?" Danielle asked, I thought about what I wanted to do then an idea popped up. "Why don't we-" I hold my stomach as I paused my sentence, Danielle and Vi noticed straight away! "It okay Y/N just breathe!" Vi advice me, I started to calmly breathe to calm down the babies. "Atta girl!" Danielle cheered me on, I continued to breathe deeply till I wasn't feeling anymore pain. "Thanks guys!" I sign, the girls rubbed my stomach to calm the babies down. "What were going to say?" Vi asked. "I was saying that we can go swimming in the backyard?" The girls agreed, we went upstairs to change. I put on one of Jared's stretch out t shirts and headed out back, Danielle was being out fruits and lemonades while Vi helped me the pool float. "Feeling comfortable Y/N?" Vi asked, I nodded smiling. All 3 of us were having fun.

~ 9 month~
I was on the set worrying about Y/N, it been 9 months which means that any giving day could be the twins due dates and I don't want to leave Y/N home all by herself. However I was extremely grateful that I have two of my amazing friends that allowing their wives look after Y/N for almost a full month. "Earth to Jared!" Jensen called out, I snapped back into reality. "Hey man sorry about that.." I muttered as I groan. "Hey man i know this whole pregnancy thing is stressing you out, but you need to focus here, mine and Misha's wife is with Y/N, they will call one of us in case Y/N in labor, okay?" He patted my back as I smiled at him and Misha. "Ok, let get back to work." I said.

I was just about to walk towards the set for my cue but my cell has rung. "Hey Vi, everything alright?" I answer, Vi was breathing heavily on the phone. "Actually no, Y/N just had her water broke like 2 second ago!" She breathe. "Ok honey, I will let Jared and the staff know we will meet you guys at the hospital." I told her as I hung up, I ran into Rob telling him everything. "Jared?" Rob called out, Jared stopped and jogged towards me and Rob. "Yea Rob what up?" He asked looking at me then back to him. "You and Misha and Jensen need to go to the hospital." He informed him, Jared look confused. "Your wife is in labor." He said.

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