Your Prince Charming will save you from the Jensen Tickles/ Bad Memory

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I came home from grocery shopping cuz we need food in the house and so far we have zero food in the house. I started to put things away till I was tackled by the only man I love is Jared. "The Prince Charming and his lady!" I laughed cuz since Jared is funny, then Jensen showed up and took me away from Jared! Jensen hid me very good till I heard voices the first one is Jensen and the other is Jared, Jensen entered the room, left Jared behind and he took me out of my hiding place and started to tickle me!! "Nooooooo Stop please let me see my prince for one last time?" I played along.

I heard Y/N's cries, I ran to the room where Y/N and Jensen are. Jensen is tickling my sweet Y/N, "Dont worried my fair lady I will save you!" I played along with Y/N and Jensen.

I continue tickling Y/N and laughing at Jared cuz he try to save Y/N but it fails I kept pulling Y/N closer to me so Jared can't save her. I thought I will be nice enough for Jared to save Y/N, "Now it your chance to save your fair lady!" I told Jared and he waste no time to save Y/N out of my arms.

After Jared save me from Jensen we all started laughing cuz Jared pretended to be mad at Jensen and it fail but it was adorable!! Jared pick me up and kiss me "she is mine now!!"  Jared announced and ran off with me in his arms!! "Jared put me down!!" I shrieked but he didn't listen to me and took me to our room, set me down on our bed, laying down while Jared is hovering over my body. "M-" I got cut off by Jared's kisses, he stopped and looked down at me, smiling. "What??" I questioned waiting for a response from Jared.

I was looking for Y/N and Jared but I cannot find them, I went pass their bedroom usually it off limit if the door is closed if it opened I can enter, but their door was half opened so I went it. Oh my god!! "Aw come guys really?" Jared look at me angrily and Y/N is blushing and she giggling. "Next time if you guys are leaving me at least let me know next time!! Jeez" I laugh and walked off.

Jensen left us alone thank god I was really embarrassed when he did that. Y/N asked me that same question from earlier and I thought that I was very lucky and how beautiful she is but what I do know is that Y/N have a huge scar on her stomach and I think she feels ashamed of it. So I decided to force her to tell me by lifting her shirt to show her stomach, "Hey babe?" She look at me with her eyebrows raised, "what happened to your stomach? why do you have a scar?" I asked and she looked away from me and refused to answer, so I waited for her to tell me her story.

When Jared asked me about my scar I was scared, anxious,upset but I told him my story about my scar. You see when I was little I was raped, my rapist was my mother's coworker he cut my stomach after he finished his business with me, he left me bleeding to death till Jensen found me crying and bleeding, he took me to the hospital for surgery. I stare at Jared and I felt a tear rolled down on my cheek, I close my eyes let myself cry but I felt a massive hand on my face, I opened my eyes and see Jared smiled at me with those sad puppy eyes, I can tell that he felt bad about it.

When Y/N told her story to Jared, I had that memory where I found Y/N, you see me and Y/N we were best friend growing up and one day my mom needed bread, milk, and butter so I run to the store, on the way home cuz since me and Y/N we were neighbours literally, but Y/N had an alley and we would there together but this time it was just her. I heard crying like a little girl cry so I went to the alley to investigate what going on and I saw Y/N crying, I didn't know why till I saw blood, I freaked out in my head but I was still calm. I ran to my house to drop off the stuff that my mom needed and told my mom about Y/N, my mom and I went to see Y/N, my mom went to grab Y/N's parents and we all drove her to the hospital. When she was done with surgery I told her parents and mine that I will always protect her from danger. To be honest I will never forget that day ever!

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