I cheated on Y/N (Jared)

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This is Jared's POV of this story, enjoy:
I put my clothes on and bolt out to search for Y/N, I went to the bar she work nothing, then the studio still nothing! I went to all of her favourite places and still nothing then it hits me, she was over at Jensen's house so I went over to Jensen.

I drove to Jensen's and rang the door bell, the door open and there was Y/N looking at me angrily and slammed the door right into my face, could I blame her for that? No not really..

~Day 2~
After Y/N found out that I cheated on her, I packed my stuff that I owned placing my things in boxes and my luggage. Then I heard little feet creaking the floor. One of the twin, Y/O/C/N showed up my door. "Daddy?" She called out for me, I stopped packing and look at my daughter. "Yes princess?" I ask smiling showing her that I'm not in pain for cheating on my wife. "Where are you going? Are you coming back? Why is mommy sad? Is mommy in pain?" My daughter questioned me. "Whoa there kiddo!" I stopped her before she ask me anymore questions. "First I'm going to see Uncle Jensen," my daughter smiled. "Can I come?!?!" She beamed, I nodded my head. "Sorry princess maybe next time, and 2, I don't know when I will come back, 3 Daddy hurt mommy that why mommy is sad and 4 yes mommy is in pain." I finally breathe when I finish answering my daughter's questions. She looked at me with more questions written on her small face as soon She about to ask more, Y/N came in. "Come on Y/O/C/N, let's Daddy finish packing.." Y/N told our daughter without looking at me. Well I earned it I told myself. Then Y/N said something she never said before. "Jared stay away from my kids! Don't look at them, don't talk to them, don't even touch them! Don't do ANYTHING with them!!!" She sign in my face. "WELL WHAT ELSE YOU WANT ME TO DO!!! IM ALREADY PACKING MY SHITS TOGETHER BECAUSE IM BEING KICKED OUT!!" I sign at her, then I realized I made a wrong move. "IM KICKING YOUR ASS OUT BECAUSE YOU CHEATED ON ME!!" She sign as her eyes were in tears. The twins showed up by the door with fears in their eyes as their lips quivers... I'm an awful Father and husband...I thought as I look at my sweet Y/N and pointed at the twins to her. She got the hint. She turned around to look what I was pointed at and saw the twins, Y/N wiped her tears as she goes toward the twins, giving them a hug. "Jared...please leave..." Y/N sign. "Y/N-" I was cut off at my mid sentence by Y/N's signs. "NOW!?!?!" She signed. I lowered my head as my 3 beautiful girls left the room to let me finish packing.

~2 hours later~
Once I finished packing my things, I loaded everything in my and Jensen's trucks. I was standing my the front door with Jensen saying goodbye to my girls while Y/N sat far away from me as possible. "Bye girls be good for mommy ok?" I picked both of them up, giving hugs and kisses. "Girls please listen to mommy and behave for her.. promise me that..." I said as I gave my girls hugs. "We promise Daddy!" They smiled sadly, knowing that daddy won't be back anytime soon.

~3 years later~

It been 3 years since I seen Y/N and the twins. I moved out of Jensen's house last year, he forced me to stay at his place till I found a stable home and I did. I moved to a small apartment, now I know I make good money but I didn't want to buy myself a mansion or anything fancy and expensive because I have a feeling that Y/N will let me back in the house. I was watching football till I got a call. I smiled brightly as I saw "❤️Y/N❤️" FaceTiming me. I answered my phone. "Y/N?" Then I heard whimpers from Y/N! "Jared... please come back...." she sign as she sob on the phone, I got up from the couch and grabbed my car key to drive to the house.

~1 hour later~
I arrived at the house and I went on the front porch to knock on the door, patiently waiting for Y/N to open. She opened the door, her eyes were red and puffy, her hair was all mangled, and she wore one of my v neck shirt that I forgot to pack. "Y/N?" I whispered as I sign to her as she looked at me in the eyes. "Jared?" She sign as well. I grab her and pulled her into a hug. She sobbed into my chest. "Oh I'm sorry for kicking you out.." she sobbed as she signed to me, I stokes her back to calm her down. "No.. I'm the one who should apologize not you..." I sadly sign knowing she might not forgive me. "I forgive you..." was all she said, I smiled and kissed her head. "Come on Baby you need a shower.." I told her as I pick her up and carry her to the bathroom.

~1 month later~
I finally move back into the house, my daughters are happy to have me included Y/N, needless to say never cheat on someone you truly love... once you break their heart, you can't fix them, till they recovered.

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