You got married

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Y/N is deaf or hard of Hearing and you know ASL (signs) and Jared learned how to use ASL

It was the day of yours and Jared's wedding, you and Jared invited everyone to come see your guys big day! Your bridesmaids were helping you get ready, as for Jared, his wingmen was helping him get ready as well. Your sister was a maid of honour, Jensen was a best man. Your dad and Jared's dad were willing to walk you down the aisle. Once you were done with everything, you turned around to show your bridesmaids your look included your and Jared's mom. "Honey, you're so beautiful!" Your mom signed to you then Jared's mom approached to you. "You're so beautiful, my soon to be daughter!" Jared's mom tears as she signed. As you hugged them both including your and Jared's sister. "Let's go! We don't want to be late!!" Your sister signed as she helped you walk out the door.

Meanwhile, Jared was ready for everything, your dad and his dad hugged Jared including Jensen as a good luck. Jared smiled. "I cannot wait to get married to a beautiful woman who I love everyday!" He said as he smiled. "Well we better get going we got a wedding to catch!" Jensen said as the men headed to the car.

~Wedding Ceremony~

Jared was waiting for his bride to be to come down the aisle, the music hits. The door was busted open as two men and a bride started to walking slowly down the aisle. "Wow..." Jared whispers to Jensen. "Yea! I know, When I saw Y/S/N walking down the aisle I thought to myself that I was the luckiest man in the whole entire world! You're lucky man!" Jensen whispered back to Jared. As your dad and Jared's dad stopped to the end of the aisle they both hugged you and kissed your cheeks, then your dad handed you to Jared as Jared grabbed your small hand to hold. "Do you, Jared Tristen Padalecki take Y/F/N as your lawfully wedded wife till the day you die?" The priest asked and your interpreter signed the priest's words. "I do!" Jared signed as he smiling at you. "Do you, Y/F/N take Jared Tristen Padalecki as your lawfully wedded husband till the day you die?" The priest asked you and the interpreter sign again. "I do.." you signed as you smiled at Jared. "Then I pronounce you, man and Wife! You may kiss the bride." The priest told Jared as he wasted no time to kiss you. Everyone cheered as now that you are now Mr. and Mrs. Padalecki.

You and Jared were dancing as a married couple. "I'm so happy that I'm with you!" You sign to Jared while you're still dancing with him. "I'm so happy that I'm with you too baby!" He signed to you, smiling as he kissed your head as you guys continue to slow dance. "I love you, Mrs. Padalecki" Jared signed to you as you grin. "I love you too, Mr. Padalecki" You signed back as you and Jared continue to dance.

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