The hottest and sexiest couple alive

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2001: You are 20 and Jared is 21

I just finished an episode of supernatural with Jensen I'm really really tired, I haven't gotten very much sleep last night I was busy thinking about my lines and rehearse my lines but on top of that I noticed that Jensen has a girlfriend and my ex girlfriend Gen has a boyfriend, and me.. I got no one. I tried to go on dates but it was awful I didn't like it very much, but anyways I heard we are having a new character in episode 2 in season 1 it about a boy who died in the water kinda thing I cannot wait to meet this person.

I got the role of the daughter of the sheriff, this is sooooooo awesome! I can't wait to meet everyone especially Jared, he is my favourite person ever but I guess I got to wait till tomorrow.

Next day

Oh my god today is the day! I hopped in the shower to wash and shave my body to make sure I'm very clean for the show, I picked out my outfit for today (above with Jeans) and drove to a small coffee shop for a coffees. As I got to the studio I was greeted by the whole crew, even the cast members of the episode we will be filming today, I gave Jensen his coffee and The rest of the crew members of the Supernatural their coffees, I gave Jared his last. "Here your coffee Jared!" I smiled as I handed his coffee, his grab his coffee and smirked at me. "Thanks sweets cheeks, I might need some caffeine cuz since it going to be a long day." He winks at me. I blushed and nodded as I walked into my trailer to get ready for my cue.

A few scenes later

This is the part where I take a bath and drown, I feel like paired of eyes on me this feels so weird but it worth it. I'm sitting in the bath relaxing as the water is running then the water turn black kinda disgusting colour and I started to act like I was pulled down in the tub. I started to scream as my "son" banging on my door till Jensen took my son and Jared grabbed me and dragging me out of the tub and wrap me up in a towel and carried me bridal style out of the bathroom asking me if I was ok, I nodded in fear and cling on to him tightly. "CUT!!" Said the director "That was beautiful Y/N, you did amazing!" He smiled "time for a break!" He yelled. I went to my trailer for a break.

I love how Y/N looks good without clothes, and plus she a good actress. I really really like her and I want to ask her out, but what if she said No? Will I be able to accept it? Maybe I should ask Jensen and see what he says.. I thought. I found Jensen's trailer and knock on the door, he opened the door and smiled. "Hey Jar what's up?" He asked  "Can I come in?" Jensen nodded and opened his door to me. "What wrong Jar?" He asked in concerned "How can I ask Y/N out on a date?" He chuckles "Dude just ask her, just be yourself." I thought about it and how I wanted to do it and I thanked Jensen, he hugged me in return. I asked my bodyguard Justin to go get me roses and a card.

I was taking a nap in my trailer thinking about Jared and me being the hottest and sexiest couple alive on the magazines, oh it was amazing. Till I heard a knock on my door, I got up and opened my door, I cannot believe that Jared is standing by my door. I blushed as he smiled at me. "Hey.." he chuckled nervously, I raised my eyebrow at him. He handed me roses and a card, I opened the card and it said "Welcome to the Supernatural family" - Jared, I look at Jared and hugged him. "Thank you!" I smiled, he chuckled "you're welcome, hey can I come in?" I nodded as I let him inside, he sat down on my couch as I followed him and sat next to him, we sat there what felt like hours till he finally spoke up, "Hey Y/N, I really like you... you're cute, funny,talented girl I ever met!" I blushed as an apple as he continued, "and I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me tonight?" He asked, I looked at him with wide eyes as I stuttered my words. "S-Sure.." as I smiled nervously, he smiled wide "Great I will pick you up at 6!" as he hugged me and left.

I came out of the shower and blow dried my hair, I did my makeup and hair, I went through my closet and found a beautiful dress that I never wore (above) and matching red heel. Once I was done, I went downstairs to find my phone and keys to put it my purse, I heard my door bell rang, and I went to opened my door as Jared hold up roses and his jaw drops. " look breathtaking..." he said smiling, I blushed as I shyly said thank you. He held up his arm, and asked if I was ready, I nodded then close the door.

At the Restaurant

As we got in the restaurant I helped Y/N get to our table, she look gorgeous tonight and I cannot keep my eyes off of her, she just so beautiful. We order our food and wine, then I decided to spice up the conversation with her. "Wanna play 10 questions?" She nodded as I went first, "what your favourite colour?" She smiled and said "my favourite colour is Y/F/C, what about you?" She asked I reply saying "My favourite colour is Blue!" As she laughs at my goofiness. Once our food arrived we chat about Supernatural roles and characters, once dinner was done I took her home, we stop by her front door and we faced each other. "I had a great time with you Y/N..." I said, she smiled then she whispered, "me too Jared..." I leaned closer to her, our noses almost touched then I kissed her and she kissed back. Her lips are so soft and sweet, I pulled back and hugged her as she hugged back, "I will see you tomorrow Y/N goodnight.." I whispered as she waved at me and entered her house.

9 months later

Jared and Y/N:
Me and Jared we been going on dates lately for the past nine months and to be honest I noticed that I started to develop feeling for him and I didn't know how to tell him, I just hoped he felt the same way.

Me and Y/N we been going on dates and I really enjoyed her company, as I kept spending time with her, I noticed I started to developed feeling for her and I don't know how to approach to her about my feelings. I asked Jensen and he told me just come out to her, then wait to see her reaction, because maybe she have feeling for you too! So I called Y/N after my scene to come meet me at the studio.

Jared called me to meet him at the studio, I called Justin to come pick me up to see Jared. I heard the car honked to let me know that Justin is here to get me to the studio, I locked my door as I ran to the car. When I got to the studio, I saw Jared and gave him a hug, then I asked him what wrong, he sighed "Y/N I wanted to tell you something.." I looked at him like I was nervous.

Oh shit she seem scared.. I thought as I continue my speech. "Y/N I wanted to tell you something.. I wanted to say that I enjoyed your company and I grew feelings for you, I wanna tell you that I love you... so the question is would you be my girlfriend?" She looked shocked, I looked at her like I was hurt then I felt a small hand on my face.

I grab Jared's face and kissed him! He seem shocked but then he kissed me back, everyone cheered for us! "I love you Jared, Padalecki!" I whispered to him, "I love you Y/N, Y/L/N.." he said as I giggled. That how we became the Hottest and Sexiest couple alive!

So sorry for the delay I gotten so busy with schooling, Football, and exam! This is my treat for you Supernatural family and Moose Darlings!!

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