Merry Christmas Jared Padalecki part 1

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You are still Deaf or Hard of hearing and your and Jared's family can sign

It that time of year again for the Christmas holidays! I asked Jared if we can go outside to have some fun with Jensen and my sister. Obviously Jared agreed to the idea of going outside so he called Jensen to see if he and my sister can come over today.

~1 hour~

My sister and Jensen had arrived to the house, I gave Jensen a hug while Jared gave my sister a hug. "Hey Y/S/N!!" I signed as I hugged my baby sister. "Hi Y/N!!" She signed back as she breaks the hug to take a good look at me. I haven't told anyone that I was pregnant and I thought today was a perfect opportunity to tell everyone about the pregnancy!! "Hey let have a snowball fight??" My sister suggests. We all agreed and went outside to pick a team till Misha and Vicki showed up before we played. "Oh thank god! More team players!!" I signed in excitement. I grab Vicki while Misha was taken by the boys. "Ready?" My sister signed. "Set..." Vicki taunted as she waved her hand up high. The I thought of a word. "PURPLE!" I signed big. The boys were so confused but us girls we gotten the hints and started throwing snowballs!! "HEY!" Jared signed as he was smiling at me. "That not fair!!!" Jensen huffed, and Misha looked sad. I ran to Jared luckily he caught me as I kissed him. "I love you" I signed resting my forehead on his. "I love you too" he smiled. "Ahem I don't know about you guys but I'm cold!" Y/S/N signed as she was shivering. "Let go back inside and sit by the fire with hot chocolate and open up gifts!" Jared signed as we started headed back to the house. Once we were all inside the house, I made hot chocolates for everyone while Jensen and Jared made the fire, my sister and Misha brought in gifts and Vicki when to find blankets for all of us to keep warm. I put all of our hot chocolates on a tray to the living room to see all couples sitting together wrapped blankets around each other except for Jared, he was waiting for me to sit down on the floor with him. I put the tray of hot chocolates on the coffee table and handed everyone their mugs. When I gave Jared mine and his, he placed our mugs by him and pulled me down to sit on his lap. I sat on Jared's lap then Jared wrapped us in blankets to keep warmth. "Ok guys presents time!!" I smiled as Jared kissed my cheek. Vicki handed everyone their gifts from her, then Misha, Jensen, Jared, then Y/S/N. I was the last person to give everyone their gifts. "Everyone..." I signed and waved my hands to get their attention. "I have a second gift for all of you!" I breathe to calm myself down. "I'm pregnant..." I smiled holding my stomach. "Merry Christmas Jared Padalecki!" I signed happily

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