Jared thinks it hot that you dress up as Dean

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You are 20 and Jared is 22

October 31:

Today is Halloween! I'm dressing up as Sam Winchester (Obviously) and I told Y/N she should dress up as Ruby but she turned down the offer I suggested to her, Y/N is upstairs doing her last minutes touch ups to her costume and honestly I have no clue who she is dressing up as, I'm hoping it Ruby or a little Moose!!

Right now I'm upstairs doing last minutes touches on my Dean Winchester outfit my way and my sister is doing her last touches on her Sam Winchester outfit to try impress Jared and Jensen. "Hey Y/S/N are you and Jensen still dating??" I asked, that right Jensen and my sister are dating! "Yea we are what about you and Jared?" She replies, I smiled to myself as I said, "of course me and Jared are dating oh and by the way thank for coming with me and Jared to a Halloween party." I thanked her. She nodded her head in reply. Both me and my sister we decided to dress up as the Winchester brother but instead we are going as the Winchester sisters!! Just for fun! My sister and I, we are just finishing up our makeup. "Hey, I'm going to steal your flannel shirt sis." Y/S/N yelled to me through the music. "Ok, it just hanging in the closet!" I yelled back. Once we were ready, we headed downstairs to see the boys and my god their faces was priceless!!

"Holy shit..." I thought my jaws drop, I looked over at Jensen and his face was the same as mine! "My girl dressed up as Dean Winchester wow!" I muttered, I took Y/N's hand and kissed it. "You look hot and beautiful. She blushed. "Thanks..." she slyly says, Dean took Y/S/N's hand as well. Ready to Par-Tay??" I said smiling, everyone laugh at my goofiness and nodded. We all headed out to the impala to go to a party.

We arrived at the party and saw our friends greeting us. "Oh my god you guys are so cute let me take a picture of all of you!!" Y/F/N says we all agreed. "Say happy Halloween!!" Y/F/N smiled as she looked in the camera and shoot the photo of us as the Winchesters! I looked up at Jared and smiled, he did the same. "Let go have some fun!" I yelled to him because the music was so loud, he smiled as he nodded knowing what I said.

~ 3 hours later ~

Me and Jensen and the girls went to say goodbye to our friends. I picked up Y/N in bridal style, Y/N passed out at the party as for Y/S/N.... she passed out too! Jensen called Cliff my bodyguard to come pick up all of us. When Cliff shows up I put Y/N in the car first then myself, Jensen did the opposite he put himself in first the Y/S/N in last. "Why did you go first instead of Y/S/N?" I asked Jensen. He looked at me and said "I didn't want her to fall on you while she is passed out!" I smiled at his idea! "Dude it fine I don't mind if the girls sleeps together and the two of us by the window meaning they would feel more comfortable instead of sleeping on a cold window!" I proven my theory, he looked at me like he was dumb. I laugh at his reactions as we were driving home.


After dropping Jensen and Y/S/N, I picked up Y/N bridal style to our house. Once I got up to our bedroom I put Y/N in bed finding her pj. I found her pj and put them on her and wash her makeup off. When I was done with Y/N I tuck her in and find my pj and crawl in bed with Y/N as I wrap my arms around her. "Goodnight my love." I whispered as I turned out the light.

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