Swimming with Moose

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It was a hot, beautiful summer day I thought it was beautiful to go swimming but I didn't want to do it alone so I called my drop dead gorgeous girlfriend Y/N to hang out with me.
"Hello Jared!" "Hey there Princess, I was wondering if you wanna go swimming with me today?" "Oh I would love to!" "Great! I will see you at 12:00?" "Yep!!" As I hung up and got ready, I set up some foods, drinks, towels, beach balls and of course music! I sat patiently for Y/N's arrival.

Moose just called saying he wanted to go swimming with me. I tried to figure which swimsuit I wanna wear I wanted to look sexy for my moose, so I found the sexiest swimsuit I can find (above). It aqua with black lining on it perfect I thought to myself, I wore it and put a simple sundress on with sandals then left the house to see Jared.

As I'm waiting for Y/N arrival I was checking once again if I have everything set up then I heard a car approaching that must be Y/N!! I thought as I dash to the front door. I opened my door slightly just to make sure it Y/N and it is!!
"Hey Princess!" "Hey Moosey!" I hug Y/N as she hug back, I guide her to my pool and she seems impressed!

I was really impressed with Jared how he set up this pool party! There was snacks, drinks, beach balls and music blasting from the speakers I was amazed by everything that he worked hard on just to impressed me!

She look at my work in awe "Well what do you think baby?" "I-I'm speechless Jared, honestly it awesome!!" "Come on let dive in!! Last one is the rotten egg!!" As I dive into the pool and got up to get air, as I was trying to breathe I watch Y/N undress herself in front of me for the first time and it took my breath away she is stunning as ever!!

As Jared dive into the pool I took my sandals off and undress myself, I could feel his eyes traveling up and down on my back as I turned around to face him his jaw drops. "What? What wrong?" "You are the most stunning person I ever seen!!" I blushed I felt like I was on fire, Jared hugs me and he sweep me off my feet, carried me bridal style into the pool. We were at the shallow end cuz since I'm Y/H it not too deep for me, I decided to wrap my legs around his waist cuz since he like what 6 feet tall and he smiles at me. "I love you" as I crashed my lips onto his lips

Y/N told me she love me and kiss me that is so my girl! "I love you too sweetheart" as I kept kissing her and I look at her in her eyes they shine as the stars glow under the dark sky at night. There is a lot of words to describe her. I thought of an idea my plan was to throw her and I smirked at her as I'm plotting my plan

Jared smirked at me I think he plotting something and that something got to do with me, after he finished plotting and the reason why I knew cuz he smiled at me like nothing happened. I started to feel like I was swinging by Jared oh shit he go to throw me!! I thought something quickly I'm going to pretend that I'm drowning and I cannot reach the floor at all.

1..2..3!!! I throw Y/N into the water, I was laughing waiting for her to come to the surface. Nothing.... I started to freak out, so I dive in to save Y/N. She cannot touch the floor Oh my god!!! I found Y/N and freaked out even more. "Y/N I'm so sorry please baby I didn't mean to throw you I didn't know you couldn't touch the floor!!" Then I heard giggling from her I sigh in relief and tickle her "Darling, don't you ever scared me like that ever again!" She tried to stop laughing but she couldn't help it. "I'm sorry Moose." She sounds like she hurt me and wasn't trying to. I hugged her so tight that she scared the life out of me. "It ok baby I know you didn't mean to you just wanted to goof off like me!" I kiss her forehead and forgave her. She is something I don't want to lose in my entire life, she is my diamond and I love her.

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