Glasses like Daddy

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Jared is sitting at the table, reading his lines while I made him breakfast and coffee till I see the light flashing, it was warning me that the phone was ringing. "I got darlin." He smiled making his way to the phone. I was making his breakfast then pour him a cup of coffee. "Hey.." Jared signed as he slowly moving his way to his spot, I took my first glance at his facial expression and body language. Something is not right. "Hey! Who was on the phone?" I sign to him acting like if anything wrong. "Nothing.." he muttered clear enough for me to see what he said. "Babe.. you are a terrible liar, for once.." I sign getting his attention, he seem shocked to the fact that I knew he was lying. "And second of all you can tell me what wrong.." I smile sweetly to know that I will support you no matter what. "Ok, well that was
Y/O/C/N and Y/C/N's teacher. She was telling that Y/O/C/N is cheating on her spelling test by talking to Y/C/N!" He seems upset. I sat by Jared and rubbed his back in comfort. "Hey it okay, we will ask Y/O/C/N what happened okay?" I told him our plan as he nodded.

~After school~
I waited for my girls to come home from school, Y/N had to go on set to do her part of the show. I was in hell so I'm not on set as much. My girls came home, Y/C/N was the first person to run in and hugged me then come Y/O/C/N. I noticed that her eyes were red also puffy, she slowly dragged her feet across the floor, knowing that she might be in trouble for what had happened. "Hey, Y/O/C/N.." I smiled sadly, see my babies get scared or cry or even both just really hurt me, it makes me feel useless. "H-Hi dad-dy.." She sniffled and coughed, I had to hug her just to make her feel better. "You're okay baby.." I cooed her so she can calm down. We sat at the dinner table while Y/N smiling her way into the room. "Hey babies!" She beamed, the girls ran up to her and hugged her. Y/O/C/N hugged Y/N then sat back down at the table while Y/C/N went upstairs to play. "Come on Y/O/C/N let play!!" Y/C/N called out. " I will later.."
Y/O/C/N said as she bowed her head down in shamed. Y/N touch my back and asked me what wrong with Y/O/C/N. I explained everything to her. "Y/O/C/N?" Y/N tapped her shoulder, Y/O/C/N looked up very slowly
"I think she might have my eyesights.." Jared said shamefully, I hugged him. "Hey! It not your fault, we just didn't know ok?" I smiled sadly know that Jared felt bad. At least we know something about our daughter, that now we can fix and help provide things for her... just like how Jared did when we found out that I was deaf. "Jared I'm going to help you go through this ok?" I sign, he smiled and hugged me.

~after the eye appointment~
Jared felt bad about Y/O/C/N having bad eyesight like he does and really it wasn't his fault. "Well Mrs. and Mr. Padalecki, Y/O/C/N can see just not very far, all she needs is reading glasses to help her see far things that all nothing major." The doctor explained. I hugged Jared. "See I told you, it wasn't your fault!" I smile at him as he smiled back, knowing that he isn't the blame. "Good, now I feel better." Jared sign as our daughter came running with her cute new glasses. "Mommy, daddy look!" She giggled as he showed us her new glasses. "Very pretty!" I sign. "Adorable sweetie!" Jared said.

~At Home~
I don't feel bad for giving Y/O/C/N my eyesight, it just happened. I saw  Y/O/C/N without glasses, so I went to my room and her to pick up our glasses. I walked in wearing mine, I approached to her and handed her glasses. "Hey sweetie why are you not wearing your glasses?" I asked. She just shrug. "Didn't feel like wearing them.." I looked at her then she breaks down in tears. "Hey hey what wrong??" I crouch down to her level and place her in my lap. "I'm being pick on at school daddy!" She sniffles, I wiped her nose with my sleeves. "What? Who picking on you?" I question her. She told me that there a boy in her class calling her nerd and four-eyes. It hurts me to see her in pain but I had some ideas in my head that I could help her calm down. "Hey why not I show up at school tomorrow and I will wear my glasses and talk to his parents, how about that??" She nodded and hugged me. She grabbed her glasses from me and put it on, then started giggling. "Daddy I look like you!!" She beamed and I grin from ear to ear. "Yes you do.."

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