You stole his shirt

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Me and Jared we came home from Jensen's party it was awesome. I met the rest of the cast members and Jensen's family to be honest Jensen have a beautiful family that I even wish that me and Jared could have a beautiful family with little moose and little kittens running around the house, it such a beautiful dream. "Kitten?" I snap back in reality "Yes Moose?" "I'm going for a shower ok??" I nodded as he left the room, I undress my dress and find something comfy, I look in my closet to find something to wear but also comfy Nope I thought and close the door of my closet then I walk to my dresser Nothing Ugh I got more frustrated cuz I cannot find anything to wear! Wait a minute...Jared's Closet of course! Of course Jared have a lot of comfy clothes cuz he a freakishly large man especially his plaid or striped shirts, I went through his closet to find blue and white striped shirt (above) Ah ha found it as I put it on me and walk out of his closet. I unleashed my beautiful Y/HC falls perfectly on my body, I jumped on the bed and wrap myself in blanket I was so nice and warm till I started to feel sleepy Maybe I should get some shut eyes for a bit as I close my eyes and yawn tiredly

I got out of the shower and see that my kitten as fallen asleep she seems really tired, I don't blame her I feeling tired myself. I walk into my closet to find my blue white striped shirt to match my pants but I can't find it anywhere What the hell?? Where is it?? As I was searching I can hear Y/N light cute little tiny snores Wait....I know Y/N way too well I lift the blanket where Y/N is sleeping and I found my shirt. Wow she is so adorable in my shirt! I went to grab my phone to take a picture of Y/N in my shirt, Well it looks like I'm going to sleep shirtless tonight cuz since Kitten stole my shirt. I crawled into bed with Y/N, turn off the lamp and cuddle to Y/N in my arms.

I felt that Jared had crawled into bed with me, he turned off the lamp and cuddled close to me in his strong arms I felt so safe around him. How do I become so lucky? That question circled around in my head for the rest of the night. "Goodnight Moose love you" I whispered hopefully he didn't hear me, "Goodnight Kitten Love you too"

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