He loves you for who you are

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Lately I have been self conscious about myself. I noticed Jared been realizing that too, he also noticed I been changing everything about myself just to make others like me. Jared was not having it. He kept telling me that I'm beautiful and that I shouldn't change for others, but I don't think he telling me the truth. I always buy myself new makeup, new clothes, new hairstyles, you name it! I been changing everything about myself. Jared came in the bathroom as I was staring at myself into the mirror as I'm holding my belly. "Sweetheart, what are you doing?" Jared question. I look down to see my stretch marks on my thighs and on my waist. "Baby please... I know you don't like your body but I do!" My eyes was fighting back tear overflow out of its sockets. "Jared...." My lips quiver as I'm trying to think of a word to form but I couldn't. "Jared... do you..." my voice crack as I spoke. Tears rolled down my cheek, I bit my bottom lips to prevent my whimpers coming out of my mouth. "Oh baby girl," Jared whispered to me as he slowly walked towards me to pull me into a hug. I sobbed as Jared hugged me, he smoothed my hair as he stroked it. "Baby girl, I love you for who you are... I would rather date a girl who accept the body that god gave them instead of having plastic cosmetics to change their faces and body, to make someone love them. He cooed. I smiled him as he swooped me off the ground to our bed. Jared lay me down on the bed and layered me with fluffy blankets. "Try to get some rest baby girl, and remember I love you!" He smile as he kissed my forehead as I close my eyes into darkness...

I put Y/N to sleep because she wasn't having a good day, I felt so bad for Y/N for hating her body. I wish she could see herself in a way I do...I thought as I made her some hot chocolate when she wakes up. I grab 2 mugs one of them is Light blue with Y/N on it and the other is regular blue with my name on it, I filled out mugs with hot chocolate, then add whipped cream with cinnamon sticks in the whipped cream. I went up to our room to give my sweet Y/N her hot chocolate till I heard the TV on. I slowly cracked the door open to see if Y/N was already awake, she was focusing on the females on Tv but she was analyzing their bodies like she was studying for her test. "Hey baby..."I stalled waiting for her to answer me but nothing came out except tears...

"Hey baby..." I heard from Jared not giving him my full attention, I was too busy admiring the female's bodies on Tv. I started to have tears in my eyes making everything blurry.... Jared came by me and wrapped his arms around me cooing in my ears as he smoothed my hair. "Babe... I love you for you!!" I clings to his shirt as I slowly made eyes contact with his, tears overflows. "Why, Out of people why me?" I asked as he smiled at me. "Because I knew that you would not change yourself just for others to love you, I love you for you and you know that Y/N. I know you are insecure about yourself but baby... I love your imperfections, it so flawless, so rare....he whispered full of lust. I blushed as I gulped down my saliva down my throat. Jared came closer to me and kiss me and every body parts I have. "I'm going to the bathroom.." I smiled as I stopped Jared kissing me. I got up to the bathroom, I looked at my reflection on the mirror. I hugged my body and blushed at myself knowing that Jared is right about my imperfections. I'm beautiful...I smiled as Jared came in and hugged me from behind. "You ARE beautiful baby girl..." he said from behind as I rested my head on his chest and smiled.

Author's Notes:

Moose Darlings!!!
Make sure you love yourself and not hate yourself... embrace yourselves for what you have! You are BEAUTIFUL IN EVERY WAY!!!❤️

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