Hairs like Daddy

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Y/C/N: your child name
Y/O/C/N: your other child name

As my 2 beautiful twins grew I started to notice that Y/C/N has longer hair than mine, but her was more wavy like Jared. Her hair grows quite quickly just like her daddy. "Baby let daddy brush your hair while I brush your sister's hair ok?" I told Y/C/N as I grab Y/O/C/N's brush. Jared was sleeping in  cuz since he doesn't work right now, it kinda a break for everyone at the set. "Ok Mommy!" As she ran out of her room to mine and Jared's room.

"Daddy! Daddy!" I heard my daughter called as I slightly opened my eyes and smiled at Y/C/N. "Hey baby doll.." I sat up as I stretch my arms. Y/C/N crawled into the bed with me and plops down on my laps, she handed over her brush to me. "Daddy can you brush my hair?" She asked, I chuckled. "Of course baby doll, I would love to!" I started brushing her hair and realizing that her hair is long and wavy. "Why do you have so much hair??" I jokingly asked Y/C/N. "Mommy said I got it from you Daddy!!" She giggles as I rolled my eyes playfully. "Well mommy is right for sure!" I laughed while
Y/C/N laughed with me. I smiled at my little girl as I brush her hair, her hair was so soft and wavy curly combined together. I took two hair ties and made pigtails out of it. "There baby, daddy is done!" I said,Y/C/N  looked up at me then giggles. "Thank you daddy!!" She beamed. "Daddy?" She called me, I looked at her smiling. "Yes?" She looked down at her little feet the looked back at me with big puppy eyes. " can I do your hair plwease?" Now what kind of a father would I be?? "Sure you can baby." She giggles and ran then came back with girly hair ties, I gave her brush to her so she can brush my hair. "Daddy, your hair is long!" She squeal with excitement, I just laugh. "Of course is it baby what do you expect?" I asked laughing, she giggles some more till Y/N came in with Y/O/C/N in her arms smiling while Y/O/CN is giggling. "Mommy! Daddy look beautiful!" Y/C/N said as she was done with my hair then come
Y/O/C/N. "Wait something is messing!"
Y/O/C/N ran out of the room and came back with bows and hair clips, she added some into my hair. "Perfect!" Y/O/C/N claps her hair happily so did Y/C/N. I look over to see Y/N trying not to laugh, she grab her phone out and took pictures! "This is the best thing I ever seen!" She laugh as she posted in instagram. I look at my phone to see what Y/N posted and I read the caption saying. "Daddy got his hair done, by this two little hairstylists!" Then saw Jensen and Misha's comments, Jensen said. "Wow! That looks great Y/N can you book me with them??" And then here Misha. "Looking good Jared😏😂" I smiled then grabbed the twins and kissed their head.

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