First Date

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1999: Jared is 19 you are 18

I was walking through the hall with my friends they are all guys, plus they are idiots which it funny to me anyways my friends and I we are talking about girls, yes I know typical guys but hey girls are attractive not a word of a lie. I was too busy thinking about girls till I knock over a girl she seem to be 5'2 height and she really cute, gorgeous. "I am so sorry I didn't see you there!" I quickly helped her up dusting off her clothes "N-No it was mine" she stuttered she seems scared, I gave her a worried look and asked, "Hey are you ok?"

Why do you care? You never really like me! I thought as I nodded, trying to walked away from Jared. Let me tell you why.

Hey Y/N did you finished my homework??" Jared yelled, I was shaking "N-No N-Not Y-Yet." I stuttered, he pushed against the locker and whispered "I will kill you if you don't finished it!"

I think I scared her too much I feel really really bad about her she such a sweetheart, god I'm so stupid I means I like her I really want to be with her you know?


There now you know!
I felt my wrist being pulled I looked back and I see Jared pulled me back to him. WTF?! What does he wants now?

"Y/N can I talk to you privately please??" She rolled her eyes at me, Why does she hate me that much?? Oh right

I rolled my eyes at Jared I know what he going to do to me anyways probably beat the shit out of me. "Ok fine" I tried to act like I don't care. So me and Jared we went to the locker room thank god there was nobody there, Jared touch my shoulder and my waist. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS HE DOING?!?!?! I thought as he leaned down and came closer to me, now I'm actually scared!

I leaned down to Y/N's height and lean closer to Y/N's lips, I can actually feel her lips, they smell really good like candy yum! I couldn't wait any longer I slammed my lips to hers. It so soft and they do smell, taste like candy!!

I'm in absolute shock, my bully is kissing me??? But boy his lips are soft, I tried to break the kiss but he is too strong for me, so I gave it in. Our lips moves in sync, about 15 mins later we breaks the kiss and I was blushing really hard but what was the kiss for??

The kiss was beautiful and it was for my love for her, I love her more than all the slutty bitches. "Y/N? I really really like you well more than like I love you and I'm sorry for hurting you, every time I hurt you I wanted to hug you and say I'm sorry, I love you, and kiss you. What I'm trying to say is that would you like to go on a date with me??" I asked hoping she would say yes.

WHAT?!? WHAT THE FUCK!!! I screamed in my head, he wants to go on a date with me? I guess I could give him a chance considered the fact that I like him too. "Yes Jared I would love too!" I smiled

That exact night Jared asked you out:

I curled my H/C and put on my outfit (above) then did my makeup, when I was done I achieved my message from Jared.

J: hey
Y: hi
J: I'm here at your door
Y: oh ok hold on
Text ends

So I rand downstairs to see Jared and when I saw him I couldn't believe my eyes he is really handsome in every way!

When Y/N opened the door I was so surprised she looks stunning as ever, wow I'm really really lucky. I took her to the restaurant and to a movie. By the time that the movie was done I drove her home. "I had a great time with you!" I grin at her, she smiled "me too this is the best date ever!" Before Y/N was about to leave I grab her and kiss her passionately, a few minutes later I ask "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" She started to cry, I hugged her and soothes her then she nods her head in my chest."Yes I would love to!" She said sweetly and we dated ever since.

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