Meet the Padalecki Twins

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Y/C/M/N: your child middle name
Y/O/C/M/N: your other child middle name

After my water broke, I told the girls that we needed to go to the hospital fast. Vi called Misha to let him know that I was going to labor, while Danielle grab the hospital bags filled with babies clothes and diapers, even my clothes. Danielle had packed the car, Vi informed me that the boys will meet us at the hospital. Thank god, I really don't want Jared to miss out on his twins births! I was scared and screaming in agony, due to the contractions was so painfully uncomfortable. Danielle was driving as quickly as she can to the nearest hospital without being pulled over, while Vi was holding my hand, telling me to breathe and that I am doing great. I'm really fortunate to have these women in my life.

I was so in my zone, acting out, saying my parts till I saw Misha dashing to Rob. "Cut!!" Rob called out the megaphone, me and Jensen were look at Misha in confusion. "Misha, what the hell?" I said, Misha took a few deep breath and calmly spoke. "Jared, Y/N is in labor. The girls took her to the hospital, her water broke and she is going to give birth." As soon he said that I grab him and Jensen and drove to the hospital to meet Y/N.

~ At the hospital ~
The girls were sitting in the waiting room as we arrived to the hospital. Jensen and Misha hugged their wives and hugs me in congratulations. Then the doctor came in the room. "Family of Y/N Padalecki??" He ask, we all stands and follow him to Y/N. when we got into the room where Y/N would be, she looks so exhausted, her hair was all over the place, sweats were rolling down her face. "Ok Y/N, you need to push!" One of the nurse said to her. I stand by her side and hold her hand. "One, two, three! Push Y/N!!" The doctor said. Y/N started pushing! "Come on Y/N push!! We are almost there!!" The doctor encouraged her. Then she push some more, and there were cries; one of the nurse took the first baby. "We are almost done Y/N push!!" The doctor announce to her. She kept pushing as she squeeze my hand. "And congrats Mr and Mrs Padalecki, you have a set of twin baby girls!" As the doctor hand the other nurse the second baby to wash them clean. The 2 nurse gave me and Y/N our daughters. "Congratulations man!" Misha beamed, then Jensen pat my shoulder. "Well man, you're now officially a daddy to 2 beautiful girls!" I smiled and looked over at Y/N and the wives cooed at the baby that Y/N have. I kissed Y/N's head. "You did amazing job hun." She smiled. "Guys, meet the Padalecki Twins!" She said. I smiles and ask her what their names would be. "Y/C/N, Y/C/M/N, Padalecki and Y/O/C/N, Y/O/C/M/N, Padalecki" she sighs, I love those names. Welcome to the world Y/C/N and Y/O/C/N.

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