"Baby, I loves your new looks!"

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Since I was so insecure about myself, Jared gave me money to go treat myself so that what I did! I went with my sister and my best friend to make it more fun for all of us! "Ok where to first?" Y/S/N asked, I looked at Y/B/F/N to see if She/He knows a place that we can go. "I know why not go to a hair salon?" Y/B/F/N suggest that we should go to a hair salon to get new hairstyles and haircuts. I nodded my head in agreement, my sister started the car. " first stop hair salon!" She shouted.

~Hair Salon~
All 3 of us walked in the hair salon to take a look around. "Hello!" One of the hairstylist approached to us. "Hi, we are here to give this young lady a new haircut and style!" My bestie said as She/He push me towards the hairstylist. "Oh my god!" She gasped. "You're Y/N!" I smiled at her hoping that she not a crazy fan. "It nice to finally meet you! I'm a fan of Jared and you! Oh forgive me I didn't mean to get all excited in front of you.." she said quietly, I smiled showing her it was alright. "It alright I'm used to it!" I said. "Ok thank you for being understanding, anyways would you like to follow me." She said as she started to guide me to a seat. "Now I'm going to wash your hair and I'm going to cut it a little above the shoulders then curl your hair.. would you like that?" She ask, I thought about then nodded in agreement, so she went straight to work.

~1 hour later~
"All done!" The Hairstylist announce. She turned me around to show me my new hair. "Wow..." I gasped realize that I looks great! "Thank you!!" I smiled at her. "Not a problem! I would say that Jared would love this look on you!" She smiled. I walked up to cashier booth to pay my hair as I'm about to pay the hairstylist stopped me. "This is on the house.." she sweetly said. "Thank you again I will definitely come back here!" I told as I went find my sister and bestie. "Y/N? Is that you??" My sister called out as her and my bestie came up to me to see my new hair. "Wow Y/N Jared will love this look!" Y/B/F/N said. "Thanks guys.. ok what next?" I asked, my sister and my bestie looked at each other. "Clothes shopping!" They said as we approached to the car.

~clothes shopping~
We went to different stores for clothes, I went to Y/F/S to look at different clothes that I would like. My sister and my bestie went their own ways. Once I found the outfit I like (above) I went to the dressing room to see if they look good on me. "Come out Y/N!!" I heard my sister said. "Yea! We want to see what you look like!" My bestie agrees with my sister's idea, so I stepped out of the dressing room that I was in and I swirled around so they can have a better view of the outfit I picked out for myself. "Wow you look hot!" Y/B/F/N said as for my sister, she gasped at me. "What wrong Y/S/N??" I started to worry that she think I'm ugly in the outfit. "You look gorgeous..." she looks at me in awe. I smiled. I went back to the dressing room so I can pay for the outfit. Once I payed it, we went to get foods and when to my sister's house so I can change my outfit for Jared to see me in.

~5 hours later~

It been 5 hours since Y/N and her sister and her bestie went out. I'm nervous that something might happened to them or something! Till I heard a car pulled up. Finally thank god! I thought as I waited for the 3 of them to come in. "Hi Jared!"  Y/S/N greeted me with a hug, then Y/B/F/N walked in with shopping bags. "Hi Jar!" She/He smiled and I smiled back as I spoke. "Where Y/N?" They point by the door, I looked over to the door and stood there a beautiful woman I love was standing there smiling at me. "Hi Jared..." Y/N shyly spoke, I looked at her in awe. Wow.... I cannot believe this is MY baby girl...I thought as I still looked at her with my jaw hung open. "What? Do I look that bad???" She started to questions then I realized she started to feel insecure about herself. "No! Baby, you look amazing!" I quickly said before she starts to cry or red in the face. She smiled.

"Baby, I love your new look!"

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