You and Jared in public for the first time

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Today is the day that I promise Y/N out in public for the first time by ourselves, I usually don't like to leave the house because it cause Fans to go wild, now don't get me wrong I love my fans and I do adore them but sometimes they can be overboard and it overwhelms me especially Y/N You know?? So anyways Y/N and myself we are going to the park because since it a beautiful day I thought it would be romantic to take Y/N to the park! I'm sure she will love it!!

Jared is take me out today and I'm so excited!! Jared had bought me this beautiful outfit (above) and it is beautiful, I tried it on before and I loved it but I haven't shown it to Jared...yet, so I thought it was a great opportunity for him to see me in my outfit! When I was done getting dressed I curled my H/C into loose ribbons curls and apply makeup not too heavy and not too light just more casual, foundation, eyeliner, mascara, and finally lipstick! I went downstairs to see jared, waiting for me.

I waited for Y/N to come down and when I saw her, oh god my eyes popped out of my head, my jaws drops and my head exploded! I was in absolute shocked she was gorgeous as Fuck! "Hey gorgeous, you look wow!" I stare at her, she smiles sweetly as she blushed slightly red. "Thank you" She quietly said, I took her hands and kiss them passionately then I kiss her forehead. "Are you ready?" She nodded as I grab my keys to my 67 Chevrolet Impala then she grab her purse and head out the door.

Jared and myself are now heading to the park, however I started to feel panic inside me, in not new to me but it will be new to Jared when I tell him. I tried so hard to calm down but I think Jared notice right away reasons why I think he noticed because he keeps constantly looking at me in the corner of his eyes, I tried to stay still and it seem to be working for Jared so he wouldn't constantly look at me in a concern way which it a good thing for me especially.

I constantly looking over at Y/N she kept on shaking I know for a fact that she is trying to stay still so I won't notice it but I couldn't ignore it so I decided to pull over the car. "Why did you stop??" She asked, I look at her, studying her to find out what wrong. "What wrong?" I asked ignoring her question, she looked down and a single tear rolled down her face, we sat here in silence then she spoke up. "I have anxiety....means I have panic attacks.." she said quietly in shame. Wow...

Jared stare at me in silence I was so ashamed of myself, he said nothing to me after I explain my anxiety to him. Then he spoke up. "I wish you could of told me." He calmly said, I sighed "I know... but what if you leave me?" He took my hands and looked at me. "Would I ever leave you just because you have anxiety? Of course not!" He smiled at me, to be honest I felt better, "Did you leave me when I was in depression?" I shook my head "I will support you everyday always."

I hugged Y/N now she feels a lot better and safer with me, we continue to go to the park. When we got there, there was a lot of kids and parents, they don't seem to mind us at all! We setup the picnic basket and blanket, we sat we talked, read together, and snuggled together. I looked over at Y/N and she seems very happy. I chuckled at her, she is so adorable and precious in every way I can think of but I need to think of a way to help her with her anxiety.

I got bored so I thought I might ask Jared if he wants to go for a walk in the forest where they have gravel road. "Hey Moose?" He looks down at me. "Would you like to go for a walk in the forest?" I asked "Sure!" We got up and started to walking, we were kinda in the middle of the forest and Jared held my hand, as I held on to his. I smiled at myself then Jared stopped us, I was so confused on what he was doing. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

I picked up Y/N and she squealed in surprise after I picked her up her legs were dangling I laughed and ran back to the park with her in my arms. When we were back at the park I put her down and packed our things and head back to the car. We put everything away, then I opened the door for Y/N to get in then myself. I drove us home and we started to unpack everything we were laughing at our jokes and puns, then I started to use pick up lines, she just laughed it was the best day ever.

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