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"please step through ma'm" One officer by the metal detector said to me. I walked through when i heard a loud and frankly very high pitched beeping noise. I heard slight groans from other people waiting to go through but i was more focused more on why the detector had gone off on me.

"Do you have any keys, or a cell phone on you?" Said the other man on the other side of the director.

"I didn't think so.. lemme check.." I responded nervously. I was already nervous for this flight, i don't think being held up at the metal detector would make this experience any easier.

"oh here, i got ya" Said a boy behind me. I felt a hand move briefly into my back pocket. He didn't even try to not touch my butt in the process. I mean, it wasn't too touchy but he definitely could have avoided it a little bit better.

I turned around quickly at that inappropriate action. For a stranger to reach back there was not making me comfortable. I almost gasped at what I saw when i saw him.

Blonde hair and gorgeous deep blue eyes were suddenly looking into mine. I look over to his hand, holding up a pink key that used to be in my pocket.

"I believe this is your key?" The blond boy said with a friendly smile stretching across his face. The accent was a dead give away that he's obviously not from America.

"Uh, thank you." I replied back, gently grabbing the key and putting it on the tray.

I walked through the metal detector again with thankfully, no beep.

I quickly grabbed my bags, nodding to the officers and started to walk to board the plane. I turned around again about 20 feet away to see the blond boy staring at me.

He honestly didn't look harmful in any way, but looking back to high school, I never had good judgement I guess. Politely, I smiled to him, letting him know that I wasn't mad at him, and also, kind of a thank you. As soon as he saw this he mimicked my actions, showing me a toothy grin back.

I finally build up the courage and walk on to the plane and take my seat, first class. luckily I got one. Being cramped up against a stranger for an 8 hour flight would be very unpleasant.

five minutes later and the flight was going to leave in about 10 minutes but there was still five seats open next to me, which was weird because online it said that i received the last available seat. Oh well.

My phone started going off and i looked at the caller id :Anni-isthebestintheworldandbeyond came up. Anni had set that for me, obviously. I laughed a little as I picked it up

"You know you're name in my phone doesn't all fit on my screen right?" I laughed as I told her.

"Oh, but it doesn't lie. Anyway! Hows your flight? please tell me you actually got on the plane and didn't wimp out" She responded making me laugh out loud again.

"no, don't worry girl, im on it. But, if you haven't noticed, im talking to you so the plane hasn't left yet, and there are still five seats open. but how are you kid?!" I asked even though I knew what the answer was; upset that she still had 2 weeks of classes before getting to come to Ireland.

And that's exactly what she responded with.

Niall POV

As the boys and i were boarding our plane to Ireland, where we got to vacation for the next couple months, they would not leave me alone about what I did at the metal detectors.

"oh, looks like Niall couldn't resist grabbing that...key" Zayn would joke. or, my personal favorite,

"well at least now we know what our Niall does when he flirts" Louis would comment.

Honestly though, i just saw the key in her pocket. I knew that it was the reason for the beeping, so i think that i was helping if anything.

"Don't worry lad, she smiled at you, that's probably a good sign" Harry said trying to comfort me while patting my back. I groaned trying to drone out the sound of the other boys' snickering. Thank god i got my own flat waiting for me in Ireland.

We got on the plane and we could see where our five empty seats were. Of course, we were late, as usual.

We all sat down, me at the end then Liam, Louis, Zayn, and Harry sat across the isle from us. I looked over to him and noticed his shocked expression. Harry suddenly stood up, walked over to my seat and whispered down to me,

"Hey, I don't want to cause commotion with the guys, but i was wondering if you wanted to switch seats?"

Harry asked with a pointed look. Confused, i looked over across the isle and saw that there was a girl sitting in the row with Harry's seat. She had blond, long wavy hair, with grey blue eyes that were partly hidden by her cell phone at her ear. Who ever she was talking to was probably funny because her laugh could be heard throughout that whole section.

At first, I didn't understand why Harry wanted to switch, why doesn't he want to sit next to her? She turned her head a little to the side and I realized exactly who she was.

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