Wake up call

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Hey guys so I would save this book to your library soon because it may turn into R soon because of some....sexual sceans... hahaha don't worry ill be 16 in a couple months so im not too "Immature" or anything. I don't know in how many chapters exactly when it will start getting more heated but it is definitely on the horizon so thats just a little heads up.

Make sure to read the bottem note too when your done reading!

Anni POV

I had a killer headache and a wicked crane in my neck as I slowly sat up from my sleeping position and stood up. I looked around the room and instantly recognized it as Niall's living room. I was about to groan out loud when I heard rustling to my right. It was partially light out so im guessing it was around 6am. Way too early to be up.

I squinted to the sound of the rustling and saw Meg squirming inside Niall's hold. She was having a bad dream. I was about to go help her when I heard Nialls voice,

"Shhhh Megan its okay, its alright" He comforted her while keeping his eyes closed. I froze from where I was still sitting, neither of them could see me but I didn't want them to hear me anyway.

I watched as Megan's body eventually relaxed back into Niall's, falling back asleep.

I sat there for around ten minutes before figuring they were both back asleep, and looked to my left.

Harry's body was sprawled over the arm of the couch, ouch, that won't feel good later. I crawled over and sat on top of him, legs on either side of his torso. I began poking him in the chest until he woke up. He squirmed around for a bit before opening his bright green eyes and looked at my deep brown ones.

"Erm, not that Im complaining, but what are you doing?" He said and I immediately shushed him and whispered while climbing off him,

"Be quiet I don't want to wake them up" I said pointing to Megan and Niall. He followed my finger then smirked back to me.

"follow me" I whispered and brought him into the kitchen. He awkwardly walked in, shutting the door behind him while holding his back. 

"Jesus what did I sleep on a rock?" He asked and I laughed lightly,

"yeah something like that" I responded before quietly taking out a frying pan and firing up the stove top. If Im up I might as well make some breakfast right? Harr walked over and leaned on the counter a few feet from me,

"So what are those two a thing or? Niall never really got the chance to explain..." He started and I cracked an egg on the pan, turning to him,

"uh, no, not exactly. I think-well, its obvious that they have feelings for eachother but Megan isn't really ready for a relationship just yet..." I said, I didn't want to get into too much detail, three people know the story of Adam, three people too many at that.

"Ex boyfriend was trouble?" He askd and chuckled lightly.

If he only knew. 

 "I guess you could say that..." I placed cooked eggs on to plates and slabbed bacon down on the pan. I then felt Harry's hand on my shoulder, lightly, he turned me to face him. My breathing instantly hitched.

"Let me take you out. Tonight." He spoke, even though it came out more of a command then question, my heart fluttered

"Uh...um," I literally couldn't speak. His eyes were so intimidating, in a good way of course, but the way they were staring straight into mine, i just lost all ability to function.

"It doesn't have to be a date if you don't want it too i just-"

"Yes!" I interrupted him, probably way too excited but he just laughed and grinned. "I mean, you know, sure" I tried to cover the excitement but I was still grinning like an idiot.

"Perfect, Ill see you at 8 tonight in the lobby?" He said,


He looked around the flat, "Yeah the lobby, of your complex?" He chuckled. I gave myself a facepalm,

"Oh, right, uh yes. definitely." I smiled. He leaned down and kissed my cheek gently before whispering in my ear, 

"I think the bacon is burning" I whipped my head around and quickly plated the pieces of bacon, before they got too burnt. I heard Harry laughing behind me, "See you tonight Anni" Before walking out of the flat.

As soon as I heard the front door close, I let out a long squeal, while trying to contain my voice, after all, it was only 7, not everyone deserved an early awakening. 

I turned around, put the oven on warm, placed the plates inside and made my way into the shower, holding a smile on my face the whole time.

Megan POV

I opened my eyes from the light shining into them. I looked around confused for a second as to where I was, but all I saw was a tshirt and a little stream of light in the corner.

My memory flashed back to last night and I remembered I was in Niall's living room, and this tshirt was Niall's chest.

I gently tried to free myself from his grasp but he instantly pulled me right back into his chest.

"Umph, erm Niall? you gotta let me go" I mumbled through the fabric of his shirt. I watched as his eyelids fluttered open revealing deep blue eyes looking down to me with concern written all over them.

"Are you all better now?" He asked while letting me have a little bit of space between us. I scrunched my eyebrows together. What?

"Now? what do you mean?" I asked honestly confused. He shook his head sleepily,

"You ah- you had a bad dream last night, but i guess you don't remember?" He asked. I shook my head in response,

"Nope, oh well then" I laughed and stood up from the couch, holding my hand out for him. He looked to my hand then to my face, then back to my hand cautiously. I tilted my head.

"Niall, its just a hand" I said. He halfsmirked and took it in his as we strolled our way to the kitchen. Right before we opened the door I heard Niall ask,

"Where'd they go?" 

I turned around and saw that both Harry and Anni were gone from the couch. I shrugged it off and started to pull out my phone before Niall perked up again.

"Wait, there's a note on the stove," He said and picked it up to read,

"Morning lovebirds, I decided to go out to the store after I took a shower but don't worry i made you two breakfast! Its in the oven. I should be back around 10 so I don't want to walk into any funny business from you two. I know your both eager but you have to wait, winky face" Niall recited and I blushed hard,

"Well thank you Anni" Niall mumbled and smiled before tossing the note in the bin and opening the oven door to reveal eggs and bacon.

After Niall and I finished breakfast and placed our dishes in the sink, Niall headed to the bathroom to shave. I have no idea why, I didn't see any stubble, but I didn't want to damage his ego so i stayed silent.

After he closed the door I walked over to the bin to pick up the note to see again what time she would be back. Confusion ran over me as I saw the actual words on the page,

"Morning guys! I decided to go out to the store after I took a shower but don't worry I made you two breakfast! Its in the oven, I should be back around 10 :)"

I decided not to over think of why Niall changed it around a lot but I couldn't stop the blush and butterflies to creep up.


Hey everyone! So you are probably wondering why the past two chaps have been short and well basically its because I plan to do a LOT with this story so I need to space out the chapters more to do so. 

Please vote and comment! hahaha OH! and follow the books twitter: @Twisted_1D and/or my tumblr: Horans-pain.tumblr.com ;) thank you!

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