Movies and misses

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Niall POV

After the party ended around midnight, Phil and a couple other people decided to crash at my place since they lived too far away. Even though Phil said he could make it home, i forced him to stay. He was way too drunk.

"okay, bye guys thanks again for the party!" I said shutting the door. I turned around to see Phil sitting behind me

"And then, there were two." I said and he laughed "Now how in the world do you not have at least a little bit of a hangover?" I asked while picking up a trash bag. I looked around at all the shit all over the place then grabbed three more.

"Like I said man, I never get 'em. ever."

"Yeah yeah, alright, lets get this mess cleaned up."

* * *

"Thanks for helping clean up Phil, Im sorry, I didn't realize it would take 7 hours.." It was getting late in the afternoon now, and Phil and I had been cleaning all day. Probably wasn't the best way he could have spent his day, but im thankful he did stay and help

He just waved it off and walked over to open the door, "Oh, can you please tell your girlfriend im sorry for scaring her last night... I jus-" 

"What?" I cut him off, "oh, Megan, shes.. not my girlfriend.." I told him and he just smirked at me.

"just a friend huh?" He asked, I nodded once

"Uh, yeah. Just a friend. We just met yesterday actually..." I stated. Wow, it seemed like its been a while since the plane ride, not yesterday

"Ha, okay Ni, tell me that in a few months" And with that he shut the door.

I sat down on the couch and let out a loud sigh. I reached up and gripped the blonde hair that had fallen in my eyes and pushed it up. Something I did a lot, on habit.

"Ahhhh-choo. Ahhhh-choo"

I looked up and realized that it was coming from above me. Megan. I couldn't stop the small laugh that came out along with a smile.

Jesus even her cute little sneeze made me feel all happy and smiley. "you are going to kill me" i groaned while dropping my head back on the couch. I thought back to what Phil said, "Tell me that in a few months" what's that supposed to mean?... well, i know what it means, but how or why does he think that will change? He doesn't know my relationships, and he doesn't know Megan... right? No no that's stupid of course not. I just brushed it off and decided to see what Megan was doing.

TO Megan Blurren 

Hey, busy?

A few moments later, my phone lit up with her name

FROM Megan Blurren

No im so freaking bored. Save me!

I just laughed and shook my head,

TO Megan Blurren

Ill always rescue you. Ill be up in 5, you got Netflix right?

FROM Megan Blurren

Did you pull that right out of a book? And yes of course!

I shoved my phone and my pocket, and went into the bathroom (A/N I am, in fact, American so, yes. I will say bathroom. ) My hair was all disheveled and messy, my white tee was filthy, and smelled. Normally I wouldn't mind at all about these little things but I just felt the need to fix them. I quickly took a comb and some hair gel to fix my hair, put on some deodorant and threw on a black tee, withed cuffed up sleeves before running out the door.

I only had to knock twice before she opened the door, her hair was straightened, and she had some makeup on. She was wearing a white tee with a dark blue scarf, and turquoise skinny jeans.

"Whoa, you look, amazing Megan. I feel under dressed" I laughed and walked in.

"Thank you, i forgot, you saw me yesterday after a whole day of moving furniture. I guess anything different from that would be an upgrade.." She groaned as we walked over to the couch in front of the TV with me

"But yeah, im sorry you had to see me like that, I -"

"You looked beautiful." I cut her off. She smiled and I could see a blush creep up on her face as she did so.

"Thank you. uh, lets pick a movie?"

We decided on Identity thief, it was downright hilarious. Even if I didn't find a certain scene funny, i couldn't stop myself from laughing with her, whenever she laughed.

It got really awkward when the hotel 'sex' scene came on, so we just kind of awkwardly laughed to that.  But when the scene came to when the Women was crying in the car over the kids, i decided to pull a cliché move.  I lifted up my arm and gently placed it around her shoulders. As soon as my hand touched her shoulder though she sat up quickly from the couch.

"I uh-I have to get water, ill be right back" then she scurried away quickly to the kitchen. Did I do something wrong?  She didn't mention anything about a boyfriend on the plane, did she just not like me? maybe im just moving too quickly? That's all i got to process in my thoughts when she came back with a glass of water. I also couldn't help but notice she was moved a little further away from me when she sat. What was wrong? 

"Oh Megan, I forgot to tell you, Phil says he's sorry, for, ya know, being all weird and all yesterday"

She smiled and shook her head,

"Like I said Niall, its fine, Im sorry for interrupting your party. I never got to tell you that yesterday.."

"Psh, they probably didn't even realize i was gone." I answered honestly. "Oh and Megan?"

"Mhmm?" she looked up to me, very sleepily.

"For future reference, if you need me, no matter what im doing, ill stop and help." It came out barely a whisper, because there was a quiet scene in the movie, but she definitely heard it.

"thank you Niall, that means a lot."

When the movie finished I clicked the TV off and looked to Megan and realized she was sound asleep. I chuckled and took note that if she slept here it would seriously mess up her neck, by the position her head was laying at. I took it upon myself to gently scoop her up and carry her into her bedroom. It took a couple rooms to find it, but when I did,  I pulled back the sheets and tucked her in.

I walked around the room a little and looked at the pictures on her dresser. Most of them were of her and other friends. I then saw one of her and this girl with the name Anni under her. I thought back to our conversation about Anni on the plane and how she was going to be Megans roommate soon.

I heard Megan move around a little behind me.

I looked down to her, she seemed so peaceful, 

"goodnight Megan" I whispered even though I knew she couldn't hear, then without even thinking about it I lent down and pressed my lips gently against her forehead. I took one last look then left her flat closing the door and making sure i heard the *click* behind me before I went to my flat.


Hey, okay so i know this chapter sucks. I know it does, but i thank you for actually reading this far into the story..

 So yeah please don't give up on the story yet, okay? And if you like it, comment, and vote please? let me know you are living, breathing human being. Even if you don't ill still love you! ;) 

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