Take a Punch To My Face, Not Her Heart.

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Hey guys! So im sick af but im gonna upload this chapter today anyway because I honestly have nothing else to do except blow my nose and drink water. You get the messege, we have all been sick before and if you haven't ever gotten the cold I hope you know there is a special place in hell waiting for you. Just kidding....but im not.

Anyway don't forget to vote! OKay okay here it is guys,


Louis POV

"Yeah, I think they'll be alright" As soon as those words left Anni's mouth I looked over to Megan and Niall.

He was whispering something to her, and she managed a smile from her lips, I mentally agreed with Anni on this one.

They both  walked over to us and I realized how upset Megan really was, I thought that her standing up to Adam would make her feel proud and confident, but I guess Niall was right, all she's feeling know is hurt. 

I walk over and put my hands on her shoulders while smiling,

"You okay kid?" She looked at me and suddenly smiled, then laughed lightly,

"You know your only like 3 years older than me, right?" I shook my head, laughing and we all started to walk to the car, Liam and Anni ahead of us.

I swung my arm over Meg's shoulders in a friendly manner, only to be forced to take it down from a glaring Niall. I thought to say something about not going to take her from him but realized, giving the circumstances, it wasn't a good idea.

We all climbed in to the car and pulled out of the theatre parking lot. It began to get awkwardly silent so Anni spoke up,

"So," she started, but thats all she got out. I looked over to Megan, she was staring out the passenger window, deep in thought.

I felt so bad, horrible actually. She moved all the way across a fucking ocean and this guy decides to come over here too, just to ruin her life again. Who even does that?

"I'm exhausted." Megan finally spoke, er, groaned.

"okay, we'll be back home in ten minutes, after we drop these two off" Niall responded taking a hand off the wheel and rubbing her arm.

I genuinely hope these two can make this work. They obviously both care about eachother entirely, its just this stupid guy that ruined her. He almost completely destroyed her chances of ever being happy then he comes back for round two. At least they are neighbors, and I know well in my heart that Niall won't ever try to hurt her, she just needs to realize that too.

Niall pulled up to mine and Liam's complex. We weren't roomates, or even neighbors, him living on the second floor and me on the fifth, but it is nice to have one of the boys in the building with me. Zayn and Harry actually are roomates though, they live about 10 minutes from where I live. I don't know why Niall was the one to get his own building though, I guess he has the excuse, "It's my country" to use against us, but we never really asked.

After we said our goodbyes, Liam and I walked into our building. He was about to walk into his flat then turned to me, 

"ill call you later mate" He said with a grin stretching to his ears. 

Liam Payne everyone.

I laughed, "Okay Liam, see you buddy" I turned to walk up the stairs next to his door when I heard his cell phone ring from inside his flat.

Shrugging,i kept my march up the steps.

Niall POV

"Okay, goodnight guys" I said smiling to them. We were standing outside the girls' door. "er, girls, sorry" I corrected myself awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. Im not really sure what to do, or say right now

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