Just like us

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Anni POV

"You cannot be serious!" I managed in between laughs. Harry was laughing as equally hard across the booth.

"I am! She had absolutely no idea what she was doing." He finally said. Our laughter cooled down a bit and I took a sip of my glass of water.

Spending time with Harry was honestly the most fun I could think of. He took me out to the movies, now we're finishing up our meal at this comfy little pizza place.

I watched as Harry finished off his crust then let out a long sigh then smiled to me. 

"what?" I asked, he just continued to smile back to me.

"Nothing, im just having a really great time" He spoke softly, igniting my cheeks.

"Me too" I responded and smiled. The waiter came over and before I could even reach for my wallet, Harry practically shoved the money to the man making me huff. He saw my reaction and grinned,

"I don't know how they do it over in America love but here, they raise us to be gentlemen." he smirked, stood up and held his hand out for me to take. I reached up and he immediately intertwined our fingers making me smile, yet again.

"Thank you" I said to him.

"No thank you, this is the most fun ive had in weeks" He said to me with a wink, making me melt more inside.

As we pulled out of the restaurant he looked at the clock, 9 pm. 

"You in the mood for ice cream?" He asked and my eyes widened,

"Im always in the mood for ice cream." I stated in all serious. Harry cracked up in the drivers seat as we turned down an exit.

"Hey.." He started after a few minutes. "wouldn't that be funny if we came back and Niall and Megan were..."

"Okay! Please don't finish that I would rather not have that image in my mind..." I said and awkwardly laughed.

"Im just saying, what do you think they could be doing this whole time?" He asked

"Why in the world would they be?" I ask and pretty much know that they aren't. Megan was almost persuaded into losing her virginity to an asshole, basically, its not something she takes losely anymore. Harry laughed raising his eyebrows

"You should hear what Niall talks to me about" He says and I instantly fear so many possibilities

"What does he talk about?" I ask getting worried. Niall couldn't be putting on an act this whole time. there is no way. Harry takes a hand off the wheel and places it on my shoulder instantly relaxing me

"Hey, relax, its nothing bad, just that she's driving him crazy. Like, all the time, but Niall would never force her into anything. I can't think of anyone who could possibly do that to someone" He says and I almost laugh at the Irony. "Ice cream time." Harry says getting excited like a kid on Christmas, as we pull into an ice cream parlor.

Niall POV

"Fuck No! please please-"

"Yes!" Screamed Megan jumping up in the air. 

"Best two out of three?" I ask weakly, she just laughed.

"Niall I just won my second game." She smiled at me brightly. When I challenged her to a racing game i had every intention of winning one, letting her win another, then come back and creme the last game, I was not prepared however to get smoked.

"Okay, okay you win" I huffed and flopped backwards on the couch. Megan jumped up on the couch in victory and started dancing around. I tried to act upset about losing but damnit it was impossible, watching her jump around like that.

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