Loud Neighbors

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Megan's POV

A few hours after I arrived at my new flat, I finally got most of my furniture out, and set it up appropriately . Anni and I decided to only bring/buy the necessities; TV, couch, blankets, coffee maker, radios, computer, table, chairs (even though it was just the two of us living here) and a few little appliances for the kitchen. Some might say that they aren't necessary, but we are in fact 21st Century teenagers, so screw it

I changed into a big creme colored sweater, dark brown leggings, and fluffy slippers. I just let my natural waves flow down my shoulders. Some may say that my style is lazy, others might say that it's comfy, I frankly agree with both.

Exhausted, I crashed down on the couch and released a loud sigh. I was about to click on the TV when my phone buzzed.

FROM Niall Horan:


Seeing his name pop up on my phone made my heart beat quicken, not much, but enough for me to notice. I was about to respond when he sent in another,

FROM Niall Horan:

This... this is Megan right?

Confused, I replied

TO Niall Horan:

Hi! uh, yeah, who else would it be?

seconds after i felt the vibration again

FROM Niall Horan:

Just makin sure you didn't trick me with a wrong number haha!

TO Niall Horan:

Well then! Did I really come off as a jerk to you?

FROM Niall Horan:

'course not love! ;)

We texted each other for a bit longer, until i heard my stomach growl, and realized I haven't eaten anything since the airport.

I walked into the kitchen to see what food I had bought, since I found a grocery right across the street, which was extremely convenient considering how lazy I am, and the fact that I do not own a car.

Since looking for food it appeared to me that I had only bought snack food, so i decided on popcorn. After cooking it and placing the kernels into a bowl, I started scrolling through Netflix and clicked on Footloose. I love the dancing in the movie and all, but to be perfectly honest, the extremely hot lead male is 98% of the reason I watch it.

It was hard to even concentrate on the movie though because of loud music pounding from my floor. It was only 6:30 and people were already partying?

"Hell. No." I groaned and sat right up and walked to the door, heading down the stairs, knocking very loudly on room 2B.

I waited, and waited, when no one came to the door I started pounding on it. Its probably not the best way to give off a first impression to my neighbors, but then again, they weren't doing well in that department either. Finally I heard someone at the door, turning the handle. I almost didn't hear it because of the music that seemed to have now been louder than before. When someone opened the door my mouth fell open followed by a gasp.



Niall POV

If this happened to anyone else, Im almost positive they would have been creeped out. Seeing the person you sat next to on a plane show up at your doorstep hours later. But for me, I was actually glad to see Megan again. She was only wearing a sweater and leggings, but she still looked beautiful to me. Maybe it was the alcohol, but something about the lighting where she was standing made her look ten times more gorgeous then she already was.

She must have been really confused as to why I was leaning on the door frame just grinning like an idiot, because she kept saying my name over and over, until i finally perked up.

"Huh? what oh, hi Megan! What er, what er you doing here?" Okay, So maybe I had a little too much to drink.

"well I-" She started while looking inside to the welcome home party that was put together by some of my family and friends. I was about to close the door behind us so we could properly talk when my overly drunk cousin Phillip put his hand on the door and looked at me, then Megan, and kept looking at her. I watched as his eyes slowly traveled up and down her body. My blood started to boil, he was looking at her like she was food. When he continued this a spoke up,

"Go back inside Phill" I grunted through my gritted teeth.

"wait wait wait, lemme have-have a talk with herrrr" He slurred out with a droopy finger pointed at Megan. He began to move forwards toward her and I saw from the corner of my eye Megan backed up a little, my protective instincts kicked in and i placed my hands in front of him, he was so drunk he wouldn't remember any of this.

"Leave her alone Phil." I stated while pushing him to the door.

"jeez, Ni man, sorry, just tryna have some fun her.." Phil responded drunkenly. He finally got back into the room and i quickly closed the door behind him. I turned around to be face to face with a terrified girl. I looked down slightly embarrassed of Phil.

"S-sorry about that. He's actually a pretty decent guy, ya know when hes not dumb drunk.." I was still looking down but snapped my head up when I heard her giggling. Instinctively, I grinned back. Something about her laugh just made my lips tug upward. She reached out and patted my shoulder.

"Its okay....." She began "Ni man" she said in a mocking tone, making me laugh again.

"So wait, what are you doing here?" I asked, finally bringing up the topic of confusion I know we both had.

"Well i.. er, live there" She said while pointing up to the ceiling. I followed her finger then looked down to her. What are the odds of that?

"Are you serious?! Wow, that place has been empty for years! We saw that someone rented it out a few weeks ago, then all this furnature kept showing up but no person, i guess now i know why it was empty then.. wait, how did you know I was here? Are you stalking me?" I said the last part jokinly of course, but I actually was curious how she knew I was here.

"Well, I didn't actually, I uh, came down to complain about the music..." I watched as her cheeks tinted with pink.

"Oh wow, you sure do know how to make a first impression" I joked, she just laughed in response. "Im joking, you certinaly pulled me in on the plane ride." I said then winked at her. Her cheeks did not change the pink coloring

I then remembered the party that was happening. Considering that its my welcome home party, I should probably go back in, even though honestly, Id rather just stay here with Megan all night.

"Well Megan i guess this means we will be seeing each other very often.." I started while opening the door, stepping inside. I turned around and smiled at her one more time and finished off with,

"Not that Im complaining" I heard her giggle one more time before i gently closed the door, going over to turn down the stereo, and looking up to the ceiling to her flat and smiling.

"This is definitely a good welcome home.


Well Hello! So I am extreamly excited for this story, I litterally have so many ideas, like its not even funny, and you guys should be ahappy that im doing this over Summer break, because when school starts again its gonna be really difficult to upload every day, so idk,

Oh and to that devil child who decided to hold up a rude sign at the last concert: You are extreamly rude and i really hope a spider lays eggs in your hair tonight.

Love you all! comment please i need more friends!

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