Bringing up the past

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Anni POV

Megan and I had been moping around our flat all day, after she came back from the hallway last night, she told me everything that happened out there, with Niall, but I was the only one smiling. I knew Niall liked her, or i guess i should say 'fancies'. I knew the minute he saw her yesterday as we were heading out to the restaurant. The way he looked at her, it was just... loving, and yet she still doesn't see it.

Now shes sitting on our couch looking low with her eyebrows scrunched up, she felt so guilty about having Niall wait for her. I knew that. But i also knew that she was confused why a boy actually wanted to be with her. She is so used to them giving up on her, that she doesn't know what to do at this stage.

I walked over to her and gave her an apologetic smile, she returned it with a small one. We just sat there for a minute before I spoke up, "I think im going to take a shower, get all this Italian offa me" i said while gesturing to myself. Megan laughed.

"Alright? Im gonna go take a walk, clear my head." she said while standing up and heading toward the door. I got up too to go to the shower, "wait!" I started and she spun around from the door frame. "pick up some Doritos?!" I asked pleadingly while clapping my hands together in a praying position.

Megan smiled and gave me a thumbs up before stepping out the door and shutting it. I jumped up from my position and in the process spilled a little bit of juice on the grey couch.

"Shit!" i said under my breath, with quick thinking I flipped over the cushion. Looking at the now non-existent stain, I nodded at it and proceeded to the bathroom.

I washed my body and hair with fruity scented soaps and then dried off completely with a towel and hair dryer before throwing on some sweats.

Much better.

When I came out of the shower i noticed Megan was still gone and i reached for my phone to call her when i saw i had a missed text from Niall.

From: Niall Horan

Can we talk?

huh, okay, why did he want to talk to me? i literally just met him yesterday and we actually didn't even officially meet, unless you call a nice smile a formall meeting.

I pressed call and it rang almost 10 times before I heard an out of breath,

"hello?" followed by more heavy breaths.

"Um, hey Niall its Anni. Why are you out of breath?"

"Oh, hey! Oh sorry, i lost my phone, I could hear it ring but i couldn't see it, it ended up being under my couch cushion, ha, sorry"

"Ironic.." I muttered while looking at the newly flipped cushion


"Oh, sorry, nothing. Um, so why did you want to talk?"

"Okay first of all, Hi! Im Niall! Okay, now that we have officially met; I needed to talk to you about Megan and for obvious reasons I needed to call you in order to do that," he laughed at the end. Just then my phone beeped from a text from her

From: Meg

Hey, Im gonna run some errands, ill be back in like 20 min

Wow perfect timing Meg.

"Oh, well she wont be back for a little bit so just come up here and we'll talk, it'll be easier" He agreed, and within a minute he was at the door.

I let him in and we went sat down on the two couches facing each other.

"So, what, exactly do you want to talk about?" I asked. He looked at me with a dead serious face.

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