Sinking in again

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I finally did it. I finally stood up for myself.

I know people stand up for themselves all the time in movies, and there is that big dramatic moment with all the intense music the writers could muster into the scene, but when you actually do it, the feeling is indescribable. Finally after putting up with him for years, he got a taste of his own sour medicine, and it couldn't have tasted sweeter to me.

"Hey, pass the candy" Louis turned and asked from the row ahead of Niall and I. When we initially walked into the theatre, Louis, Liam and Anni decided to sit in the middle of the row. I was going to sit on the end next to Anni but Niall complained about not being front and center, plus I did promise to sit next to him. So now here we are.

I reached and tugged away the candy from Niall's grasp to give to Louis, earning me an irritated Niall in return. I stuck my tong out to him and he finally gave in with a smile while shaking his head. He was hogging it so it was only fair.

I wondered why none of the guys asked me about my long speech.

Surely one of them would be confused as to the "rape" comment. I literally stood there in public screaming that he almost raped me, and no one said anything?

I turned my attention to the screen for the first time, without thinking of today's events. The camera was located inside of a closet of some sort and it was pitch black. I stiffened.

No matter how many times you see a scary movie, or even when you know something will happen in them, you can't help but get freaked out a bit.

I was practically squirming in my seat, anxiously waiting for whatever bad thing was going to happen, happen.

All of a sudden this creepy doll-like object which Im guessing was Chucky, filled the screen. I gasped loudly and gripped the chair rest only to be hand in hand with Niall.

I instinctively tried to pull away from his grip but he already interlocked our fingers together. I looked up to meet his eyes on mine.

"You okay?" He whispered. For a second I forgot what he was talking about, hell, I forgot my name in those seconds. Whenever he looked at me with those deep blue eyes its like nothing else in the world matters.

He blinked and I came back into reality,

"Ye-yeah..." I said, probably blushing like crazy. Oh who was I kidding, I could practically feel my whole blood stream rise to my cheeks.

We looked back to the screen and watched again. For the rest of the movie I would feel a gentle squeeze from my hand, now and again, comforting me.

To any other person looking at us right now, we would definitely appear to be a loving couple. Instantly fear ran through my whole body.

I looked down to our hands again which only made it grow stronger. I have never been this close to a boy before, ever. I suddenly realize what im doing to myself, again.

I build myself up, I built this whole feeling up inside of my that practically ran my life only to what? Have it all come crashing down on me that the feeling was fake, made up, a joke.

I can't do this to myself again.

Everyone says that this is different, this time, its going to be different, but how? How is this any different. In the beginning, Adam was extremely good to me, of course he didn't hold my hand or anything but this is how it all started with him. I let myself fall way too quickly making the ground much harder to land on.

I pulled my hand out of his, making his eyes meet mine with a questioning look.

"Wha-" He started,

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