You Aren't Part Of My Movie

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Niall POV

I woke up to my left arm being numb. I try to roll over but stop when i bump into something and open my eyes to find Megan.

Confused, I think back to last night and I can't remember falling asleep with her in my arms, but hey, Im not complaining.

I brush it off and gently pull my numb arm out from under her to sit up. I look over to the couch to see Anni's body draped over the couch, how she manages to sleep like that still confuses me.

I silently stand up and make my way to the kitchen, warming up a mug of tea. As I sit down in a stool looking into the living room where Anni and Megan sleep I have to smile to myself.

This was not at all what I pictured my summer to be like. I thought when I flew back to my home town I would visit well...home more. The truth is though, I don't really want to.

Ever since I was little Ive dreamed of getting away from that house, it wasn't because of my family members or anything, I loved them tremendously. I just always liked the idea of free living, my house, my rules right?

I thought that this summer was going to be spent helping mum with house chores, eating at certain times, and playing video games in between. Even if I seem to have gotten myself stuck in the middle of a drama filled lie, I still would prefer this summer than my expected one any day. 

The two girls in front of me were very important to me, in different ways of course, but Im extremely glad I met them.

As I was placing the now empty mug into the sink when I hear knocking on the door. 

I open it to see Liam with his mouth open about to say something when I put my finger to my lips then point to the living room. After I let him in and he looks in the living room he nods then quietly closes the kitchen door.

"Whats up?" I ask him. He looks tense, definitely not his usual calm self. "Are you feeling any better?" I add

"Yeah, I uh... the doctor gave me some medicine and I just slept all through the afternoon and night. Im all good now, I think it was just the 24 hour bug" He answered shrugging but still tense. I pull up a seat next to him at the table and lean on my forearms.

"Good, so whats up?" I repeat the question.

"Erm, ah god, this is bad" He groans and puts his head in his hands. I tilt my head in suspicion,

"What?" I ask. He lifts up his head but looks down to the table.

"I may have given Megan's number to Adam.." My eyes grow wide and I whisper yell,

"You what? How? When? Wha...What?!"

"It wasn't on purpose! I was at the doctors and I was talking to him except I didn't know it was him, and we were talking about Megan because he said he knew her from High School and he wanted her number to keep in touch so i gave it to him"

"How could you not know it was him though?" I ask, knowing that I probably wouldn't know either.

"I didn't even know what his name was until he was walking away, then... then it all clicked in. I mean, I thought that maybe it could have been him before, but if it wasn't and he was actually an old friend of hers I didn't want to be rude."

I groan and put my face into my hands. If anyone could cause this much damage by being too nice it would be Liam.

Just then the kitchen door opened and in walked Anni.

Her face changed into confusion when she saw us at the table.

"..whats going on?" She asks taking a seat across from Liam.

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