My Home

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Megan POV

I wake up to the sound of the front door opening, for a moment i wonder if Niall really left me sleeping on this couch. I remember the first day we hung out and he brought me into my bedroom for the night, butterflies erupt in my stomach at the thought.

My thoughts get reassured when I feel the tops of his knees against the back of my head. Without opening my eyes, i know Anni just entered the room. I decide to just keep laying here, not because I want to eaves drop, but because Im just way too lazy to get up, and I hope that ill be able to drift back to sleep.

"Anni, we need to tell her." I hear Niall say,


"Yeah, I know..." This time it was Anni. What the hell are they talking about? My mind automatically goes to the worst possible case scenarios.

"I just think that its best for everyone that we tell her everything. Even the fight with Adam. Everything." Niall said back.

Adam? What fight with Adam? It couldn't have been between him and Niall, I mean, barely even knows him, apart from that one encounter at the movies. 

My heart stops.

Of course he knows, how could I have not put the pieces together before. The hatred that already leaked through his voice the first time I talked about him, the way he was going to call back Adam and give him a 'piece of his mind', and how the hell could I have not noticed by the way none of the guys were shocked when I said that he tried to have sex with me.

Everyone knew everything. 

"I just hope she isn't pissed" Commented Anni. I couldn't stop the tear that rolled down my cheek, before gravity splashed it on the carpet. 

"More like hurt" I managed from my lips. There was a moment of silence and I knew they were trying to figure out who said that exactly.

I sat up on the couch and looked at them. Shock and horror covered their faces. Good.

"Why?" I started while wiping my cheek with the back of my wrist,

"Meg..." Niall said, guilt dripping in his voice. I stood up from the couch.

"No, don't 'Meg' me. Why did everyone keep this behind my back huh? You all knew this whole time all the shit thats been haunting me for years and you all put up this fake ass act right in front of me. This whole time!" I yelled. Tears were now streaming my face. I have never been so hurt before, even with everything thats happened, betrayal is the worst kind of pain.

Niall was speechless in front of me, looking around the room for an explanation. I started off to my room before I heard Anni,

"Wait, Megan!" She cried. I turned around to face her from the other side of the living room. Her own cheeks were wet with guilt tears.

"And you..." I started before catching my breath, "I trusted you. I told you everything and I trusted you. How... how could you do that to me?" I whispered out the last part, but she heard. I wanted nothing more than the forgive her. She was my best friend. My sister. I just can't believe she would tell everyone my secrets without my knowing.

"Im so sorry Meg, Niall, Niall needed to know what was wrong. He- he thought that you just simply weren't making efforts before because you just genuinely didn't like him."

"So you just thought the best way of telling him would be give away everything? And Liam and Louis, Im sure they really needed to know too." I knew Niall was still in the room but I honestly didn't give a fuck. I was too tired to care, also having just woken up moments ago.

"I tried to brief him on it, but... Meg at the time all I could think about was to make you happy again. I knew that you would be happy here with Niall and-" She got cut off by Niall,

"Its my fault." He said quietly.

"What?" Anni and i both say while looking over to him. He looks at Anni for a second before advancing toward me.

"Megan.." he starts then puts his hands on my shoulders, "I like you. A lot actually..." He travels off for a second and my heartbeat continues at it's rapid pace, but I let him continue. " When you were being all guarded and everything I just thought it was because you didn't think the same way about me. I asked Anni and all she said was that you had a rough past with a guy. She wasn't going to tell me any more, but I begged her. I did." He explains and i start to feel my anger get replaced with confusion.

"And Liam and Louis?" I ask him. His hands traveled their way to the tops of my arms and he was staring at me straight in the eyes, but it was Anni who answered,

"After the mall incident... they were really concerned. Then Liam accidentally gave him your number. It was just too risky, I had no idea if one of them would also give out where you lived.... But I guess, they did..." She said,

"But if Adam knew where I lived wouldn't he have come already?" I ask looking back to Niall's face in front of me.

"He found out where I lived... He came over to my flat the night after the movies incident. Looking for you. Of course, I didn't tell him, I tried to keep my cool and tell him to leave you alone but he was just too... determined. He heard your voice coming through my ceiling and was on his way up there, that's when I lost it. Thankfully Liam showed up and stopped it before I gave Adam any sort of concussion or anything. I just couldn't stop thinking about everything he did to you." My heart warmed tremendously at his words. No one has ever stood up to Adam, let alone for my sake. I felt all my anger slip away. Niall finished in a whispered tone,

"Im so sorry that we kept it from you. I just didn't want you to get hurt with all the memories again.." He said and looked down.

I pulled Niall in for a hug. Immediately he wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me tight, I felt his tense shoulders relax around me. After all the shit that has happened to me, after all the pain, and worry that I have gone through, hes been there for me. He has done so much more for me than any guy has ever done. He needs to know how much i appreciate him being here, so I don't pull away.

"Thank you" I whisper into his chest. He rubs my back and lightly kisses the side of my head. I lift up my head and rest it on his shoulder to look at Anni standing across the room. She looks at me apologetically and I give her a smile to show her its alright. She smiles back at me and wipes the remaining tears from her face.

I feel something pour over my insides in that moment. Being here in Niall's arms with my best friend right here with me. Adam gone, and people who care about me all around, I feel love, and I know Ive finally found my home, right here.


Guys Im so sorry its been so long! I wish I could give you some sort of logical reason like my power went out or my computer got ruined or something but honestly its because im so freaking lazy..

Anywayyy, I want to wish everyone who is in the watty's a good luck!

Ill update a lot sooner guys I promise! 

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