Welcome to Mullingar

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Megan POV

I walk outside of the airport and I am immediately welcomed by a nice little town. The shops and flats are nice and cozy, certainly different from where i grew up.

Living in the country-like area, I never got to experience walking into a downtown, or a plaza. I had to drive at least 5 miles to get to anywhere exciting. Ever since I can remember i've wanted to live in a place that was tightly packed, and where you knew your neighbors well enough to actually go over their house from time to time, and not just wave when receiving the mail. My parents were the complete opposite, they both grew up in the City and when they got married they took the first chance they could to a more country-like environment, raising me and my younger sister Rielly.

I wave over a cab and when seated I decide to try and make another call to Anni since i live about 10 minutes away.

"Megan! She lives! how was your flight?"

"Hi Anni! Not too shaby if i don't say so myself..."

"ohh and whom is the reason why that is?"

"What? Why does there have to be a guy involved?"

"Megan, you hate flying, you always think the flight is gonna get hijacked or crash. The only possible way for there to be ANY chance of you enjoying your flight would be if there was a guy involved." I sighed in response. "So tell me, who is the lucky fella?!" she practically begged.

"okay, so I sat next to a guy..."

"Knew it! See what did i tell yo-"

"But," I cut her off. "But it was just a plane ride, I'm probably never going to see him again.." I said, but i was also admitting it to myself. As much as I would really like to see him again, I  knew that the chances of that happening were slim.

"Well do you know where he lives? We could find out his number, and address and it'll all be figured out, don't worry babe."

"Well he...he kinda already gave me his number, and he lives right here in Mullingar."

"He GAVE you his number?! Megan, he obviously wants to keep in touch with you."

"No no no he was probably just being polite." I respondd while staring at the scenery around me. This is where I was going to be living from now on, I feel my stomach get more and more excited with every passing minute. The driver passes by this small little grocery and I keep that in mind for the future.

"Megan, don't do this again, please. We are going to be starting our future there!"

"Do what?" I ask, even though i already know the answer.

"Not admitting that a guy is into you. Cmon you know what you're doing." It was true, ever since Adam destroyed my trust and, well, life, Ive been extremely cautious whenever i get partially close to a guy, i get too afraid the same thing will happen again and i just leave before they can destroy me. Admitting it you yourself and others that a guy likes you will only make it hurt more when he leaves.

Anni has told me countless times to take chances with a guy, but i know in the end ill just be hurting myself more. Yeah, it got lonely, but i would take lonely weekends than heartbreak any day.

I huffed, "Well, i don't know, let me just move in for now and get settled first before I think about any kind of relationship. Oh! I almost forgot, I did happen to mention your name, and number to one of his friends.." I waited for her response with a grin on my face, i then heard a loud gasp.

"What?! Who?" Anni basically screeched in my ear

We spent the next two minutes talking about Harry. Well, I told her about him. I knew Harry would definitely fall for Anni if they ever met, she was gorgeous. She had blonde curly hair with a few lower lighted strands, bright brown eyes, and she was absolutely hilarious. Harry would get weak in the knees just after one conversation with her.

Anni had to go back to her school work eventually and we ended the phone call. A few seconds later the cab pulled up next to a tall, wide building. It wasn't the most grand building in town but it was clean cut, nice bushes and flowers in front, it definitely felt like a home.

"Here you are miss Blurren," I thanked and paid the driver, then stepped out. My belongings that i decided to bring to Mullingar with me were already shipped over to Anni and my flat, so i just had my Carry on and another small suitcase.

After scrambling my way into the building, I finally got up to the flat,  2C "I guess this is me" I whispered to myself.

I twisted the key open and stepped inside. It was bigger then what it looked like online, there was a living room when you first stepped in, a kitchen area on the right, what i assumed to be a bedroom door on the back wall, a bathroom on the left of that, and another, smaller bedroom on the left wall. I could definitely get used to this. I let out a long breath and stepped in.

"Welcome to Mullingar" 

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