Welcome to Ireland

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Niall POV

I don't know why, but for some reason when Harry offered me the seat next to the girl I met at the metal detector, i was actually very thankful. why? well it might have been the fact that I wanted to be in a less crowded row, or that window seats just weren't my thing, or it was the fact that the smiles we exchanged meant something. Im a firm believer in everything happening for a reason, so who knows right?

i walked over to the seat, and tried to ignore the fresh comments Zayn and Louis were making after seeing whom I was about to sit next to. Harry and Liam didn't say anything, they were too interested on how this was going to play out.

I saw she was still on the phone call but i figured it would be extreamly awkward if I just stood there and waited for her to get off, so i spoke up.

"Could I uh, sit here?" I barely stuttered out, while scratching the back of my neck.

Way to avoid the awkward Niall.

Megan POV

Anni and I were just talking on the phone about the college classes and what we thought it would be like, when these 5 boys came over and, like what I expected, filled up the remaining seats.

The one who sat next to me had curly brown hair, and bright green eyes. I decided that he was definitely cute, but I never had a thing for green eyes. He looked at me and i gave him a greeting smile since i was still on the phone, and he smiled back for a second. A shocked face developed quickly after though, sending him down to talk to one of his friends further down.

"well okay then.." I muttered out

"huh?" Anni asked, obviously oblivious to what happened.

"What? Oh sorry, didn't mean to say that" I replied, I was never a good lier, and Anni knew it.

"okay Megan Im not even going to pretend that that was a great explanation. Any way, can we get back to the fact that you are on your way to freaking Ireland while Im stuck here, going to class with hormonal teens who smell like ass" She said incredibly casually, making me laugh so loud that the whole section probably heard.

I was about to throw back a whity remark when this this blond haired boy came over to where the new open seat was next to me. I didn't make it obvious i saw him, i knew who that boy was. I knew he just came over to apologize about the key grabbing, so i went back to my phone conversation. I was surprised though when he spoke up

"Could I uh, sit here?" he stuttered out. I could tell he was uncomfortable, and i felt kinda bad for him.

"yeah! of course." I said with a nice smile, which probably ended up looking extremely creepy. The next couple of minutes were awkward. He just sat there facing forward while i was finishing up my phone call with Anni, since the plane was about to take off.

"Ugh, Anni I don't think I can do this, the flight is taking off in like a minute! Im going to be sick! maybe we should wait a little longer? or maybe go by boa--"

"Megan!" She interupted.

"yes?" I said weakely

"We have been waiting for four years to get away from America! you are now on your way to the rest of your life! You should be excited! its just an 8 hour flight, then you- wait... are you sitting next to a creep or something? is this why your uncomfortable?"

I looked to my left at this and saw that the boy was staring at me, but quickly looked away when he saw me looking. it made me laugh, again.

"No, Anni, i don't think that will be a problem, but your right. I have waited too long for this." We ended up the call then I decided to turn to blondie. He was texting on his phone, probably getting in some last words to family or friends before take off.

For the first time that day i actually got a good look at his face. He had long eyelashes, little cute nose, gorgeous blond hair which i know realize was mostly brunette near the scalp, he was actually pretty handsome.

Woah, Megan, don't stare, don't stare. but freaking hell, he was good looking.

The flight finally lifts off the ground. Im no longer on American land.

Niall POV

I noticed after she ended her phone call, that she was starring at me. Its not like it was that hard to notice, she's literally a foot from my face, but I can't blame her. Minutes before I was doing the same thing to her. you can learn a lot about a person like that. For instance when she laughs her incredible laugh, her eyes almost completely close, so she loses track on reality a lot. But then, when she notices, she opened them back up again and looks around, almost to see what she has missed in the absence of reality. Just something I picked up on over the years of meeting people.

I decide we need to break the awkwardness and do something, so i start,

"Well, it looks like we will be spending the next couple hours together. Im Niall" I smile and hold out my hand to her.

"Looks like it." a smile forms on my lips when she laughs "im Megan" she shakes back.

God shes adorable.

Megan POV


I like it.

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