Airports and Old Women

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Megan POV

Waking up for a seven in the morning flight  that you don't want to take to a place where you don't want to go is not the way I wanted to start off any day.

"You almost ready?" Anni shouted from the front door. It was a little after six now, Anni was waiting for me by the door while I came in to my room and picked up my suitcase. 

"Comin" I yelled back before walking into the main living room. I took in our apperences; sweatpants, T-shirts and our hair was, well, un-brushed. 

We literally just rolled out of bed.

Both of us packed thankfully last night so we didn't have to worry about anything in the morning.

"Wow we are a couple of lookers" I said laughing and Anni joined in.

"I never understood while people dress up so nicely to go to an airport" She said shaking her head as we stepped out and locked the door behind us.

We made our way out of the building as Niall and Harry pulled up in Niall's car.

"Morning ladies" Harry greeted us with an all too perky smile. Anni and I both groaned and I started walking to the trunk when Harry pulled her into his arms

"Do you really have to go? Can't you just manage her from" Niall asked as he met me at the trunk. He took my suitcase and effortlessly put it in, then Anni came up and he put hers on top. Once the door was shut he wrapped his arms around me, muffling my voice

"Niall... I have to go" I tried to say but his shirt was in the way, making him laugh,

"hm? what was that? You said you can stay?" He asked. I shook my head, laughing, and pulled out of his grasp.

"I bet you think you're so funny" I joked and walked around to the passenger side.

"Actually, I'm quite hilarious" He countered back as he plopped down in the drivers seat. I looked behind us to see Anni leaning on Harry's shoulder and their hands intertwined

"I don't see why I have to sit in the back seat, Im pretty sure I called shot gun for life like 4 years ago Meg." Anni groaned. She was a little tired.

"Actually," Niall started while pulling on to a highway, "It was Harry's thinking." He said smirking. Harry coughed from the back as a warning to Niall not to further the conversation, but he did. "I believe his exact words were, 'please Niall, cmon just please let me sit next to her, I promise to buy you something'" he said in a high pitched girly voice. Anni and I started cracking up, Niall looked pleased and Harry looked like he was ready to murder. "So now, we are running on Harry's wallet" Niall said as he patted the car.

"You had him buy you gas?" I asked

"Hey, prices aren't cheap on this stuff! Might as well be liquid gold." He said making us all laugh again.

"Flight 104 to Georgia, United States is now boarding"

We were now standing in front of the boarding area for our flight, Anni and I turned and faced the boys.

"This is us.." Anni said, looking down. 

"C'mere" Harry said pulling her into his arms. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his long torso and closed his eyes.

You would think that going back to America would be a happy thing. Something that we would look forward to, but we aren't even seeing family, and that's pretty much the only reason why we would want to go back there anyway, so this isn't going to be fun.

I then turned to Niall. He gave me a half smile and didn't even wait until he himself pulled me in and wrapped his arms around me.

I hugged back tighter, knowing that this will be the longest and furthest we have ever been away from each other. I looked over to Harry and An and saw Harry lean down and kiss her, I looked away for their affection and pulled away from Niall. His eyes looked down to my lips momentarily but I could tell he was having a mental battle with himself whether he should or not so I made it easy by pulling him down to my lips.

Unlike our first kiss which I was completely caught off guard with, this I was fully anticipating, making it all the more better. He kissed back immediately after, putting just as much passion into it as he had done before. 

It ended all too quickly when we both pulled away from a warning announcement for boarding. He leaned his forehead against mine,

"How many days till I get to see you again?" He asked and I laughed lightly.

"Four" I whispered back, smiling. He pulled me in for one last hug, before Anni and I linked arms and started heading off towards the plane. We looked back once before entering to see Harry and Niall watching us with genuinely sad faces, the waved when they saw us looking then we walked on to the plane. Back to America.

Anni POV

"Oh, here Meg" I said as I found where our seats were. There was an elderly women sitting at the window, so we sat in the other two seats in that isle after we mushed our carryons to the overhead.

"Hey, this is our first time on a plane together" Megan said to me

"Yes, its also only the forth time you have been on a plane" I smiled and she laughed

"Touche" She responded and I immediately start thinking of Harry,how he said that at the bar in the Poltergeist the first time we met.

I leaned back in my seat and smiled at the thought of him, he was honestly an angel. Some might think that we were moving too fast, but this is the speed that we are both comfortable with, and I'm falling for him more and more everyday. Every time we go out we learn more and more about each other, hes perfect, I always believe that everything happens for a reason, maybe that's why we were meant to go to college here? 

At least now I can officially call Harry mine. He asked me to be his girlfriend last night over Chinese food. How could I have said no to that?

Whatever the reason the universe sent me and Meg to Ireland, Im glad it did.

I looked over to Megan snoring away, scaring the old women at the window, and laughed loudly before flopping back and falling asleep myself.


Hi everyone! So the reason why I haven't been updating is because I work so hard on these chapters and no one is commenting! I love you all but please give me SOME feedback? Hope you like the chap though, this is kind of just  a filler chap before they get back to America, then thats kinda when more happens :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2014 ⏰

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