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Megan POV

After a good 20 minutes of talking to Niall, i learned so much about him. He and his friends were just starting out in the entertainment business, much like Anni was too.

I also managed to learn his friends' names; the one with spikey black hair, the one that stood out from the others was Zayn; buzz cut and quiet one was Liam, The boy giggling and laughing every two seconds was Louis, and the Curly haired one who almost sat next to me earlier, was Harry.

And of course, Niall. Apparently he is from ireland, he was going home for a few months with his friends, whom none of them came from Ireland except him. This confused me.

"Wait, If you are going home...why are they," I said pointing to his friends who were making it too obvious they were eves dropping on us, "going with you?" I asked Niall who just started laughing.

"Well, say it like that and i guess it is confusing, but, we pretty much go everywhere together" he replied confidently, but then got a little pink in the cheeks when he saw my freaked reaction

" and that makes it sound even weirder," He started, making me laugh again, "Long story short, we are all best friends, and like I said earlier we like to perform together so we just kind of stick together." He finished laughing a little himself, while looking at me.

"Okay, okay, I guess that's a better explanation, Niall"

I had to admit, it was nice talking to him, and it was making this flight almost, fun? I realized then that I didn't once have a huge breakdown, maybe it was because I didn't really want to have an episode with an extremely attractive boy next to me, or it was the fact that this boy never gave me a chance to freak.

Before this flight, it was safe to say that i thought all boys were rotten. I used to be boy crazy, in middle school, and there was this guy in particular that I thought would make me the happiest girl ever, and for a while, he did. That is until halfway into high school, when he decided that he didn't care anymore and almost did the worst possible thing a boy could do to a girl; Take away her innocence.

I had to admit, i felt absolutely awful, but I so much support from my friends and Anni. He had to destroy me once more though before I left. I remember it was the last day of high school, where he knew I would be leaving to Ireland forever, he came up to me and gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, "Im gonna miss you Meg."

To say the least I was furious. He let me down years ago, then days before I move across the world forever he has the nerve to say that he will miss me?

I remember how it took every ounce of energy i had not to start screaming at him, so i just simply backed away and said calmly,

"Bye Adam" Then turned on my heel and planned on never seeing him again.

It was just then that I realized I was clenching my fists, and fury was definitely written all over my face.

"hey love, are you all right?" He said with a nervous laugh, obviously trying to be nice but i could tell he was honestly scared. I released my fists,

"Sorry, I just, had bad memory, but, " I looked through the window of plane, then back at him smiling "i guess you could say im 'flying away from it' "

"Flying into your new, happy, improved life" Niall said in an announced voice, moving his hands like he was presenting something in the sky. This made me laugh really loud, but then I did that awkward silent laugh, making it impossible to breathe.

"Hey Niall, what happened? You finally get a chance with a girl and you strangle her?" Shouted Louis from across the isle. I felt blood rising to my cheeks, I looked over at Niall and he was looking down, smiling with bright pink cheeks also.

"Oh wait, nope she's breathing, and smiling, don't worry Niall she's okay." Shouted Louis again followed by giggles from the other boys.

"Ah, please excuse him," Niall started looking at me, smiling when he saw my pink cheeks, which of course made them even more pink. " see, Louis loves to publically humiliate me.."

"I just feel bad for your mom" I replied, laughing. Followed by a confused laughing Niall.

"um, why? we aren't all brothers ya know?" Said Niall, while chuckling

"Well, your mom has to deal with them for the next few months, I mean, you said you all were going together..." I asked, and he just sat there confused but still smiling from his laugh. Then he understood

"oh, I think you've got it wrong, see, we all live in flats that are a short drive from me mum's. But no we aren't staying with her, being that we have the flats nearby, well, and that we have Louis."

"hey, Niall, I heard that! Don't be fooled there, Niall really isn't that funny!" Screamed Louis, the last part was for me obviously, making Niall and I laugh again at him.

"Okay, Okay Louis." Niall screamed back.

Only about an hour into the flight and I was beginning to think Niall was right, Im literally flying into my new, happy life.

And i can't wait.

~Hi! It would mean a lot if you could comment on it and vote for it! I would appreciate it so much and I will be sure to get the next chapter waycloser! So please please please stay with me in the story, It WILL get better, so bear with me!

Love you all!

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