2. Human School?

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The story will get better after a couple chapters so just have some patience

Luz Pov:
I wake up and start looking around the house to see if I can do something becuse eda is still clearly sleeping and I don't want to be a burden then I hear a a door opeb and hissing which I imidiatly check and I see king was hising at a random person at the door looks like it's a package probably for eda should I wake her up or take it myself?

"Anyone home!?" the guy says out loud just bearly not yelling and starts knocking a bit harder so I decide I need to take the package "Yes give me a second" I shout as I quickly draw an illusion spell onto my ears but for some reson my magic seems a little weaker but I only feel like that while I think of illusions and sleep spells which is wierd becuse i was pretty sure the human realm won't affect My magic uh I can deal whith that later.

I quickly rush to the door and open the guy looks at me in a wierd glance is my illusion not working? "uhh since when do you live whith Ms Edalyne? Last time I was here she was living alone" oh thank God it wasent my illusion spell. "uhh she adopted me yesterday im not from here" he gives me a small glance but than holds a paper and a pen and just says "Just ask Edalyne to sign here and here and bring it back" that sounds easy enough but as soon as I reach the stairs eda just starts coming downstairs, at least I don't have to walk.

She quickly signs it and goes into the kitchen while handing the pen and the signing paper back which I quickly grab and take back to the delivery guy as he hands me a medium sized box he has been holding and leaves.
"What's in the box?" I ask Eda
"Oh I got you a phone and some clothes becuse I wasn't this tall when I was your age and I don't think you want to wear dresses everywhere you go" oh that's sound normal but then again... "what's a phone?" I hope I said it right.

"Do you not have Phones from were you are from? How do you call people when you want to talk?" wait she means crystal balls and scrolls?
"we use scrolls and crystal balls to talk to poeple" she looks at me like she understands everything I just said... Which is a bit better than her beaing confused. I'm a bit happy atleast I don't have to explain it.

"Hey I forgot to ask do you want to go to school? I mean you are like 16? 17? You can surely go and make some frends blend in and stuff I do hate school but I can't teach you everything how does that sound?" wait school.. "you mean you want me to go to human school? And I'm 17 thank you very much" that dosent sound bad maybe I can be free a bit more and see if the humans can make portals or maybe have some form of titan blood as I'm pretty sure that's what is used to pierce thru realms thank God I got rid of every bit on the boiling isles exept a small amount that's in the door and just enough to keep open for a couple seconds so the emperor won't get his day of unity started ever..... I forgot that they have the door. I should have a little bottle with a couple drops of it.

"Ye human school or whatever I can just get you in and wait for it to start in 3days"

"3 Days until school starts? That's not a lot how will I enter and what am I supposed to learn other than magic?"
"Well you can learn math or geography and such dosent that sound good?" now that she mentions it going to school does have a whole lot of benefits.. Ive never been to school not after I turned 16 that is.

"sure" yep im going to school, "wait really?" she looks surprised i guees she didn't expect me to like the idea.
"Yes I'm sure that me going to a human school will help but what about my ears?"
"Don't you have your magic??" why does she want me to use magic if she said I should never..

"I can't becuse illusion magic is weaker in your realm and I can't keep it for long enough for the full day whitout getting tired" she looks at me again but it looks like she's thinking about something.

Golden guard pov:

"Emperor belos" I say as I enter my uncles room.

"Golden Guard I hope you finished your mission and got rid of the Owl girl?"

"Yes I did uncle" he gives me a look.
"so were is her staff and cape?" he looks at me like I'm a child.

"I did not kill her I rather used her close frend Raine to send her to Human realm"

"Is that so and are you planing on leting her live there?" why does he sound mad? Isn't that what he wanted?

"I will make sure she gets cought and killed by humans and will also send some monsters from the Castles Cells in the basement starting up whith a grifin and slowly sending every single one in existence"

"Very well but I don't need her dead just keep sending a steady amount until you are 100% sure she cannot re enter the boiling isles and if that's achieved than you may stop do not forget that she can use the open portals so don't just open them, I expect the door to be back in my possession as soon as possible.

"Yes emperor belos"

"Do not disappoint me Hunter you know the consequences"

"I do, may I leave?"

"Yes and in three days send in the first monster until than prepare them to be send thru the portal door whith a 10 minute of them beaing shrunken."

"yes emperor belos" is it just me or is he a bit mad but I like how he dosent look as mad as he used to when the previous coven leader was here. But at least I can rest ill see you fight Owl girl.

Chapter 2 poggg

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