9. 2/3 Potion

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Yay I forgot my headphones home so I can't listen to music while writing... Bruh

I upload the first part yesterday and finished started that same day
So If I can keep this up I can push out 2/3 and 3/3 in 1-3 days

Wish me luck

W- amity: witch amity
H- amity: human amity

W-Amity Pov:

Luz came back! But... Is a witch? And why is there someone next to her that looks just like me but has human ears?
And why are they in my room?

L: Uhhh... Im not the Luz you know and this is human you? I think? But with green hair not purple


W-Am: oh damn human me is not the calm type.

L: Ye she's still stuck on me beaing Luz and the owl girl.. so let's get this straight, I'm Luz Noceda or Owl Girl, I'm a witch banished by emperor bellos to the human realm and cannot leave, I'm something called a super hero? And I defend the city from monsters sent by him... Until I find a way back

W-Am: Alright.... Quick question.

L: Yes?

W-Am: to the other me

H-Am: Y-Yes?

W-Am: this hotie isn't your girlfriend?

I see human me burn up like a cooked potato, ah yes the gay panics!

Finally I can tease someone as well for beaing a lesbian tomato who can't think of getting a girlfriend like Luz

L: wait what?

W-Am: oh i... Never mind I didn't say anything.

Looks like they aren't a couple or intend to be one, I should not expose human me's crush on Luz just in case.

But to think that witch Luz has an outfit like this! Luz you better have one of these when you come back from visiting your mom becuse damn it looks good on you.

But that pink dress...

Were did human me get her fashion senses from its both good looking and to pink.

L: ok this is bad... This potion... It could only be one thing but im not sure. Amity can you come here?

W-Amity: yes H-Amity: Y-Yes

L: Witch amity I mean, if this is the boiling isles is there a library around here?

W-Am: Yes?

L: Alright thanks, common my universe amity we are gonna do some research on this potion.

H-Am: al-alright

W-Am: take care of Luz properly, she might be a witch now and I might need her to give me one of these outfits for my Luz but she's still weak.

Suddenly my legs is frozen in ice.

L: Heh weak you say?

W-Am: I can just melt the... Ice... Why can't I melt the ice?

L: It's a level 10 ice spell


((here the magic is counted by levels from 1-10 a level 1 can counter 1-5 2 can counter 1-6 and so on but not as easely as when a level 6 counters a level 2
But only a Level 9 can counter a level 10
Amity the witch protegy is level 8
The emperor
Golden guard
And Witch eda
Along with witch lilith are level 8,9,10
Gg is 8 lilith 9
Only the emperor and eda are level 10 mooovinggg onnnn))

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