5. The Interrogation

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Luz Pov:

I wake up tied to a chair whith some sort of chain? Why didn't they just use handcuffs?

Never mind... Now that I look around the room I see a black window but I can't see thru it and a door in front of me.

Ugh this is annoying do they not know I can just melt the chain?
I mean i am a witch and so at least 2 times stronger than a normal person my age but this is to much.

"hello witch"

Were is this sound coming from?

"this is Lilith"

That lady again God

"I don't care, why am I here and why are you calling me a witch?"

"Your ears aren't normal"

Wow rude calling a birth defect wierd
"That just sounds like you hate my beautiful ears"

"Also a bandana won't cover your face?"

She got me good, she got me good.
"what do you want?"

... Why is it taking so long to answer?


((Just imagine that beaing the door))

The door suddenly opens and enter a that lady from school.

"Just answer some questions"

"Do you mind if I take the chains off?"

"I'll see you try"

Well she asked for it

And suddenly my chains are turned into a hot liquid on the floor.

"But but... How?"

"You asked for it so those questions?"

"Ah yes uhm so first.. Are you a witch?"

"do you think I am one?" I ask whith a so serious glare I look like a kid getting fingerpop for the first time at the market.


"Yes?" that dosent sound convincing.

"Are you 100% sure?"


"So why did you ask me such a stupid question?"

"Are you trying to make me mad?!" alredy did :D.

"Yes, well if you don't have any serious questions then I'll just lea-"

"No your not going anywhere!"

Is she trying to block the door by standing there? Amateur

"I was gonna use a teleportation spell which i hope dosent make me pass out for 2 days but I guess I have some time to talk"


"Duh? It's a pretty hard spell so its not used often, only a select few can use it without it failing or missing the location of the teleportation"

"Dosent matter that's not the point, I was gonna ask about the animal in the sky and how how do you expect us to let you leave?"

"It's a griffin and i was planning on just staying here, also you can't keep me here? I just said that I can literally T E L E P O R T..."

"Oh uhm uh" she suddenly grabs a small black device from her belt.

"This is Captain lilith I ask for a 4 man backup in the high tear interrogation room imidiatly"

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