14. 2/2 Loose Treads (i-i)

148 4 37

Chapter started in the making on 10th of February 8am
Finished February 21th 9am
Total time wrote around 2 hours
Imortant info at the end

Btw Luz is 17 not 16 not younger 17 thank you for understanding

And ayo this is the auther from... June 27.. I'm coming thru to check for something.. I hope yall are enjoying the chapters so far

Eda Pov:

As I'm showing around my basement for the two trouble mankind twins I hear something upstairs 'meh probably boots fell out of the sofa she's like that I guess'

Then I hear a scream a quite loud one at that "LUZ IS GONE!" I stop in place whith the small bottles in my hand and look at the twins.

We each give the other a glance and then look to the ceiling.
I quickly place the bottles down and start running... Gahh puff... 'I'm alredy out of breath?! What type of joke is this im not old!' I sprint up the stairs whith the twins right behind me and we rush into the living room mm huff puff.... 'Gah I can't even run' the twins look at me not really impressed whith my stamina but they know they can't comment.

As we enter a living room we see a small piece of white cloth on the ground along whith some dust.. A lot of dust to be exact whith a small square whitout dust

For example....

And imagine the rest of the picture as a whatever colored carpet

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And imagine the rest of the picture as a whatever colored carpet

Got it? No? MOVING ON!

I have a bad feeling about this so does everyone else..
Amity quickly grabs the mechanical staff and is looking at the spot.

"I used this spell once that revealed luz's location... Well More like her room... Maybe that could help?" she looks at me whith hopeful eyes.

"Well boots common do your magic!"

I try to not sound desperate but the kid is gone and I don't know what to do... Maybe she just walked into another room or used a spell to teleport somewhere maybe... Maybe she just wanted some fresh air... Maybe she... Maybe uhhmmm maybe....
Who am I kidding she just disappeared and she wasn't awake either... She.... She got kidnapped must have been that gold head who talks smack what did she call him again?... Dosent matter.

As I frantically think of anything the sister of the twins is trying to perform a spell that ultimately fails

"Nooo" I hear her yell in a somewhat screaming somewhat sad tone and falls to the floor "I can't save Luz...." she's just as desperate as I am... Only difference is I know for sure she's ok she always is....

Elsewhere... I guess

Miss Crystal pov:

I walk into emperor belos's chamber whith the owl girl next to me floating in a red bubble tied up whith rope and magic proof chains, I stop in my tracks and Neal? (edit this part later... Don't forget) down and await the emperors commanding voice.

"Miss Crystal I see you have completed your vision unlike the golden guard, you've shown yourself worthy of beaing my right hand, guards capture the golden guard and under my command bring him into the catacombs, Miss crystal deliver the owl girl into the catacombs as well and put her into the cell whith the golden guards and... Make sure the owl girl isn't in a good shape"

As the guards quickly rush out the room I wait for the emperor finish his sentence and then nod my head and stand up staring to wal- "Oh And miss Crystal... Do not fail me like the golden guard did.. You know what happened to him and that's what will happen to you"
I stop in my tracks once again "I won't"
"You better not"

"wait that's how they sent the guards after me?"

"Ye pretty much tho I was half unconscious I still heard his annoying tyranty voice"

"tyranty? Is that even a word"

"I hope so, if not... Well I invented it, back to the story"

Luz Pov:

I wake up in pain and all I see is 2 shackles holding my hands up as most of my body is dangling whith only my foot touching the ground
I don't have the power to do anything and look to my side to see someone else out on the bed... Looks like goldy boy... He doesn't look that old maybe 18-19? As I look around I see walls and Magic proof bars all around us.... I was captured... Right as I'm not conscious, that's low....

The golden guard wakes up and looks over to ME "YOU!" "Yes?" "why am I here!?" I give him a side glance "You were captured" he looks even mader "Don't lie!!" I want to giggle a bit but I'm probably hurt pretty badly tho I have something around my neck a small piece of metal *Cough* "Im not lying a heard them say it" I grougly answer "Prove it!" "Want me to start from the start?" "Nooo get to the point" "to late!"

*Flashback start*

"Hello you might know me as L-"

"Luz Nocceda" said the person I hate the most in this universe.

But he's right my name is Luz Noceda or The Owl girl either of them work.
"Golden guard" I give him a smug look and he points his staff at me.
"when will you finnaly join a coven or come with me?" ah I hate this guy he keeps talking about his uncles evil plans and its honestly annoying.
"to get petrified? Or be locked up in the confirmatoriam? Never"

And I start telling him everything that happened up until now....

3 hours later:

"and that's it?"


"it's girl friend dum dum we aren't together"

"At this point get a room and kiss till the morning!"

Allo.... The second part of the chapter is done.. It's short I know but we are entering the endgame.... Ok no that's a lame refrence..
You will get to see willow and gus more including the golden guard make his way into the outlaw group and some juice fights soon

The book will end at 20 chapters

Yes 20 not more not less old me was so naive. 2books baby!

I will have a single special episode that will be coming....
And I plan to end the book by April 17th becuse after that day I'll become very busy.

Ayo... I was kinda dumb

We have a second Book... Alongside 26 chapters+ 5 specials... Well ANYWAY!

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