4. First Day

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The story will get better after a couple chapters so just have some patience

Time skip 3 days

Luz Pov:

As I'm getting ready for the first day of human shool I hear eda yell at King about his food I just look at him standing next to my leg wanting to nuzle into it but he knows I'll make him into fish food if he dares.

"Don't you dare nuzle into me or take my beanie or I swear to God you'll learn to fly faster than a bird who just got out of their eggs" im not in the mood right now as I'm yet to be sure about this school thing, but how could I be ready? I've never been to human school after all nor have I been to magic school for more than 2 weeks due to the whole runing away thing but maybe now I can be a normal student as normal beaint a witch is of course.

"Hey kid you ready?" "No not even close" I mean it, im not ready "That's the spirit" wait what... You know what it's eda I don't know what to expect I'll just go.

"Alright here is your backpack lemme put on your beanie and get that stuff ready, remember how to call me right?" "Yes" "Alright lets get into the car and we talk on the way there."

As we walk to the car I start to think about how this will go, will I get bullied? will I see that girl in the pink dress? And will I get frends? Hopefully the first one is a no and the second and third are a yes becuse i dont want to beat anyone up and use magic by accident.
Will they know my secret? No I can stop myself right?

As we go we pass a lot of buildings one that stands out named BIPD what does that stand for? BI as a name? Wait bi city of boiling isles ohhh that makes sense... But PD? What is that the emperors coven in this world? Ill just ask later. As we keep going we slowly stop at some big building

Huh "It's pretty big not gonna lie"
"Of course it is its a pretty good school all about gifted and stuff like super super smart kids and rich kids who use their parents money to look good."

"Oh sounds bad.... "

"it is"

Wow good way to start as I slowly step out of the 'car' I slowly start walking to the school and I see that girl again she's talking whith a boy short whith short hair? Looks like they grew their hair up and made a tower out of it, only goes up and stops at a part were it goes smooth... And a girl whith blue? Ye blue hair looks bad tho.

I start walking over and someone bumps into me? Oh god it's the same guy whith the crowbar
"What do you want princess?" wow ok he's gonna die today ok maybe not die but he will learn that I can't and should never be called a princess.
"What you want a black eye or some new teeth taken out of your mouth for the tooth fairy?"

He looks mad, great but hey he started it "You gonna stop that or ill make sure to trow you into a trashcan were you belong" hahaha ok that's it im gonna make sure his pride is done for.
"if im garbage you are toxic waste"

All I hear is a OHHHHH in the background and I think I've done it, time to leave wait eda is still at the car laughing? Well at least she finds it funny now just to to cla-

I get picked up and thrown to the ground... And it went blank great now I just wait until I wake up

Amity Pov:

I see that girl again, she looks like she's gonna get in trouble just by seeing boshas ex I know this is gonna be mad

30s time skip:

Did I just hear her call him toxic waste wow ok note it down she's pretty funny and she's strong but why do I feel like I should talk to her.... Oh no

3rd Person Pov:

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