16. Moving In p2/2

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Allo people

From here on Allo is my personal greeting method

So little announcement for people who haven't read the post I made

The story is extended to 25 chapters...

And there are 4-5 specials / story extensions

Including an Easter special and an au meet up chapter between this and my other au that I'm rewriting btw
That special will have 2 parts one here and one in my other au

I forgot that I have said in a previous chapter that there are 20 chapters and bla Bla bla

Ignore all of that and we are going by the things I posted here.

Enjoy :D

3rd Person Pov:

Amity was helping Luz collect the small amount of stuff she had like her 2 sets of clothing not including the witch outfit and other stuff

But amity was red, and I don't mean ordinary red... She was so red that the redist red (( redest red? I'm dumb... The color red that was the most red literly not consisting ouf of other colors just red))

She was so red that the color red was like a planet next to a sun ((I know there are bigger sun's then ours and bigger planets than ours but you get the point))
Really outnumbered

She was so red people could mistake her for a fruit like strawberrys or Tomatoes ((tomatoes are fruits btw)).

Her mind was filled whith awkward moments that whould accurately play out if Luz stayed whith her.
Walking on each other and other stuff... To be clear she was half dead inside walking around Luz's room, thank God luz wasn't around, they were moving stuff into edas car whith a bit of levitation magic and so amity could fan girl whitout issues.

The door was slowly creaking open whith a certain blonde guard walking in trying to listen in for stuff to laugh about

"What is Luz actually likes me? What if I see her changing or anything! This is a bad idea!!!"

"It is?"

The green haired girl jumped up "Hunter why are you here!? And what did you hear!? "

"Just the last sentence and Luz sent me to tell you to bring the last box because shes done, but I over heard you~"

Amity out of shear panic slapped him on the face "SHUT" she yelled.

"I will hunt you down if you tell about this to Luz!"

She says pretty angry about the former Golden guard invading her privacy.

Hunter was holding back his laughter thinking about why anyone whould like Luz more then a frend.

Suddenly Luz burst thru the doors whith a staff in hand.
"Hello you 2 you guys done packing up my stuff?"

Amity looks at her charming knight in shining armor and turns away.

"Hey Luz.. I have to tell you something!"

Luz sets the staff aside for now and looks at amity.

"I... Like you Luz more then a frend!"

Luz looks at hunter who just shrugs "Like best friends?"

Amity holds onto the small shelf in the room and takes a deap breath

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