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⚠️The chapter has a darker setting by a little (still family friendly tho) ⚠️
⚠️Be Cautious⚠️
⚠️Side Character death⚠️

I look around and look at emperor belos. "my liege"

He dosent even bother to look at me "use the human to capture the owl girl, they are from the same family so she won't try to hurt her" I don't understand the request.

"Use my new body so soon?"

"You defy the the plans of the titan, do you still want your right hand man rank or will you question everything?"


"Go and don't fail" the emperor looks over to me and hands me a potion.

'Mind Breaker' this will be fun.

Miss Crystal walks over "my liege" she kneels before continuing "my sister has found out the location of the owl girl"

"Don't fail miss Crystal... Or do you want your sisters illness to be the end or her miserable life?"

Miss Crystal looks at me. She knows who i am. And she wants revenge but she must wait.


"Go now, I must go over Hex's new assignment"

I look over to miss Crystal and can only say one thing.

"Good luck Calamity don't fail like your sister did back then" I say in the voice of the human girls before I use my own voice again "don't get her killed, I want to have some fun"
"You..." she doesn't say another world and leaves quiet quickly.
Beaing under the emperors protection is truly amazing.

He looks back over and down.

"Find the owl girl and trow the potion at her... This one won't fail. As long as you shes covered in it... She won't be able to fight, then bring her to me... I have to show this world an example of what I can do"

I nod and the emperor opens his pocket dimension taking out a small tube.

"Welcome back Hex it is pleasing seeing my only true right hand man stand in front of me."

"I should have expected more from your sister.. Shouldn't have underestimated her like that"

I press the button on the tube it slowly opening into a staff.

The staff hits the ground and my whole body turns into dust.
I slowly step onto the ledge on the highest building in city as my body reforms.

'Who needs teleportation... Or melting? Pft hah... Well noceda let's see if you hold out more than your mother did.'

I look around before before I step off and start falling. 'I'll just follow calamity'
And just before I hit the ground my body disappears to all passersbys. And all there is left is a smoke cloud.


Miss Crystal/Calamity Pov:

I jump off the staff and stand behind a huge gray ish purple ish building built out of bricks.

Knock on the door and the door suddenly opens. Sky is standing there and tries to greet me with a hug which I decline.

"So sister... Were is the noceda?"

"Common in Ms. Crystal? Is that your nickname now?"

"Just call me by my name and tell me were she is"

New Worlds And Old Memories (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now